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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Come fill the Cup and in the fire of Spring Your Winter-Garment of Repentance fling. The bird of time has but a little way to flutter And the bird is on the wing." Smash came the milk pail across the bar. "Hooray!" shouted Jimmy. "Besht yet!" Bang! Bang! He was off. "ird ish on the wing," he chanted, and his feet flew.

He turned his back and shut his eyes. "Cubbing?" replied Glennie; "hardly." "Never could shee anything wonderful in her looks," went on the Commodore; "so quiet, you never knew that she was in the room. I remember sayin' to her once, 'Mrs. Lutheran, now what do you like besht in all the world? and what do you think she answered? 'Music! Haw!"

Jimmy scratched his head, and appealed to the Thread Man. "Dannie besht man. Milesh besht man! Never lie 'cept for me. Never drink 'cept for me. Alwaysh save his money 'cept for me. Milesh besht man! Isn't he besht man, Spooley?" "Ain't it true that you served Dannie a mean little trick?" asked the man who remembered.

Oh, I do hope Robert has brought some money home with him so that we can buy some food for tomorrow." "Where'sh the shteps? Somebody alwaysh moving the shteps," said the father, Robert Slessor, as he staggered drunkenly to the door. Mother Slessor took hold of him and led him to a chair. "Hello, dear," he said thickly. "Howsh my, besht gurl?

"Shall we get anyshing t' drink?" inquired Abe making a temporary collection of his wits with a violent effort. "Abe!" the freezing severity of Kent's tone and manner would have been hopelessly fatal to early vegetables. "Abe you've many good qualities more of 'em shan any man I know. but a degrading passion fur shtrong drink is ruinin' you. I'm your besht fren, an' shay it wish tearsh in m' eyes.

"It's no turkey; it's a goose that I bought in the town to give you." "Fact," said the policeman, "it is the finest goose I ever saw. Where did you buy it?" Yeckorus a choro mush besht a lay ta kair trin horras-worth o' peggi for a masengro. There jessed alang's a rye, who penned, "Tool my gry, an' I'll del tute a shukori."

The Haskalah was steadily drawing recruits from both, and it threatened ultimately to become more dangerous to both than they were to each other. From the South had come the impulse of religious revivalism through the followers of the Besht, and the North was showing signs of awakening through the reforms of the Gaon. At the same time a ray of enlightenment from the West pierced through the night.

Now, this Gaon of Vilna, or Hagra, was perhaps no less dissatisfied with prevailing conditions than the Besht, but his remedy for them was as different as the two personalities were unlike. He did not desire to abolish the Talmud, but rather to render it more attractive, by making its acquisition easier and putting its study on a scientific basis.

In the old residence of Besht, in Medzhibozh, the sceptre was held by Rabbi Joshua Heshel Apter, who succeeded Besht's grandson, Rabbi Borukh of Tulchyn. For a number of years, between 1810 and 1830, the aged Joshua Heshel was revered as the nestor of Tzaddikism, the haughty Israel of Ruzhin being the only one who refused to acknowledge his supremacy.

Gottlober maintains that the inspiring melodies of the Hasidic hymns were largely responsible for the spread of the movement, even as Moody attributed the success of his revivals to the singing of Sankey. For, as Doctor Schechter has it, "the Besht was a religious revivalist in the best sense, full of burning faith in his God and his cause; convinced of the value of his teaching and his truth."

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