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The very last of Bernal's utterances that could have been reprobated in a well man was his telling Clytie in the old gentleman's presence that, whereas in his boyhood he had pictured the hand of God as a big black hand reaching down to "remove" people "the way you weed an onion bed" he now conceived it to be like her own "the most beautiful fat, red hand in the world, always patting you or tucking you in, or reaching you something good or pointing to a jar of cookies."

One day he and I Santiago, Bernal's father had been drinking mescal. We quarrelled I know not why. It is not well nor right for a padre and a compadre to fight there is trouble in Heaven over that. But there is a way; and we did it as others have done. We took off our sombreros, and put our compadreship on the ground under them. That was all right it was hid there under the hat.

"What became of his father, Becodar? Dead?" asked Sherry. The beggar crossed himself. "Altogether, senor. And such a funeral had he, with the car all draped, and even the mutes with the gold braid on their black. I will tell you how it was. We were great friends, Bernal's father and me, and when the boy was born, I said, I will be compadre to him.

Of course, Bernal's is very childish, but I think Allan's paper, for a child of his age, shows a grasp of religious matters that is truly remarkable. I shall keep them studying the Bible daily. I should tell you that I am now looking forward with great joy to " With a long sigh he laid down the finely written sheet and took from the sheaf the two papers she had spoken of.

And you know, he's quite like an infant now says the simplest things. He laughs at it himself. He says he's not sure if he knows how to read and write." "Poor, dear Bernal!" With some sudden arousing he studied her face swiftly as she spoke, then continued: "Yes, Bernal's really an awfully good chap at bottom." He turned again to look up at the study windows.

Vividly there came back that late afternoon when the monster of Bernal's devising had frightened them for the last time when in a sudden flash of insight they had laughed the thing away forever and faced each other with a certain half-joyous, half-foolish maturity of understanding. One day long after this she had humorously bewailed to Bernal the loss of their child's faith in the Gratcher.

"What became of his father, Becodar? Dead?" asked Sherry. The beggar crossed himself. "Altogether, senor. And such a funeral had he, with the car all draped, and even the mutes with the gold braid on their black. I will tell you how it was. We were great friends, Bernal's father and me, and when the boy was born, I said, I will be compadre to him.

At last the doors were pushed apart and they came out, Allan with his hand on Bernal's shoulder. "There's your bag now hurry upstairs the maid will show you where." As Bernal went out, Nancy looked up at her husband with a manner curiously quiet. "Well, Nance " He stepped to the door to see if Bernal was out of hearing "Bernal pleases me in the way he talks about the old gentleman's estate.

"He wouldn't if he knew what I said or how it must have bored them. One thing, Nance, they won't meet here again until you swear I've gone!" "Bernal's heart is right, even if his theology doesn't always please me," said his brother graciously, examining some cards that lay on the table. "I see Mrs. Wyeth has called," he continued to Nancy, looking up from these. "Yes.

" as pure a woman as God ever made, while as for myself, I think my integrity of purpose and honesty of character, my sense of loyalty should be sufficiently known " "Say, old boy " Bernal's face had lighted with a sudden flash of insight "is it I don't wish to be indiscreet but is it anything about Mrs. Wyeth?" "Then you do know?"