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But he has become infatuated with his captor, and is befooled regarding his condition. Our prayer is, "rescue him from the evil one," and because Jesus is Victor over the captor, the rescue will take place. Without any doubt we may assure the conversion of these laid upon our hearts by such praying.

He had offered her nothing, he had evaded her, shunned her, slighted her but in spite of that she ought to have waited for him, and to have loved him through all, and believed in him in spite of all! He sat, befooled and befuddled, arguing, accusing, denying, doubting, until he knew not where treachery began or faith had ended.

The story spread all over the country about the fine horse that had been sold and then had disappeared, and at last the news came to the ears of the wizard. 'Aha! said he, 'this is that boy of mine, who befooled me and ran away; but I shall have him yet. The next time that there was a market the boy again changed himself to a horse, and was taken thither by his father.

And I ain't trucklin' to yer for myself, for ez far ez me and your'n ez concerned," he continued, with a malevolent glance, "thar ain't gold enough in Caleforny to mak the weddin' ring that could hitch me and Cress together. I want to tell you that you're bein' played; that you're bein' befooled and bamboozled and honey-fogled.

"It may easily be that I was not wise, Douw. Indeed, I showed small wisdom from the beginning." "It was all the doing of that old cat, Lady Berenicia!" I said, with melancholy conviction. "Nay, blame not her alone. I was the silly girl to be thus befooled. My heart would have served me better if it had been all good. The longing for finery and luxury was my own. I yearned to be set above the rest.

It was a dazzling dream that he brought before our eyes, and for a time it blinded me to the evils that lay behind it, and it is only now, when it is too late, that I perceive that evil, and understand that Sekosini befooled and bewitched me to the end that he might be raised to such power as M'Pusa enjoyed during the reign of M'Bongwele, when he and not M'Bongwele actually ruled the Makolo people.

She began to wring her hands. "Joseph, bethink thyself," pleaded Miriam, stricken to the heart. "I am no scholar, I am only a woman. But thou thou with thy learning surely thou hast not been befooled by these jugglers with the sacred text? Surely thou art able to answer their word-twistings of our prophets?" "Ah, Miriam," replied Joseph tenderly. "Art thou, too, like our brethren?

He felt like a man befooled. Douglas, too, sat forward in the carriage, a bright spot of colour in his cheeks. "You know that man?" he said. She assented quietly. "Yes, I have met him. He is the editor of the Ibex." Douglas remembered the bitterness of that interview and Rice's amazement, but he said nothing. He leaned back with half closed eyes. After all perhaps it had been for the best.

Instead of admiring the lovely devotion of the girl-widow to her boy-husband, he scorned himself for having dreamed of a creature who could not only love a fool like Tom Helmer, but go on loving him after he was dead, and that even when Godfrey Wardour had condescended to let her know he loved her. It was thus the devil befooled him.

Abraham ruefully watched the retreating figure, perfectly assured that the Lord had got the best of the bargain, and that he himself had been duped, worsted, and befooled. God did not go to Sodom himself, but sent two angels to inspect it. They reached its gate in the evening, and found Lot sitting there.