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Says I, 'What are you reading, and where did you get it, and who gave it you? So he made answer, 'That he was reading Susannah and the Elders, for that he had read Bel and the Dragon till he could pretty near say it off by heart, and they were two as pretty stories as ever he had read, and that it was a caution to him what bad old chaps there were in the world. Now, as Job is bed-ridden, I don't think he is likely to meet with the Elders, and I say that I think repeating his Creed, the Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer, and, maybe, throwing in a verse of the Psalms, if he wanted a bit of a change, would have done him far more good than his pretty stories, as he called them.

For your sister's sake, you'll leave her with the poor bed-ridden lady that's been like a mother to her for so many years past? for your dear, lost sister's sake, that I was with when she died " "Tell me about her." He said those few words with surprising gentleness, as Mrs. Peckover thought, for such a rough-looking man. "Yes, yes, all you want to know," she answered. "But I can't stop here.

No; titles are the reward of prosperity." "But, my dear Max," said the King, "how do you expect me to judge of such things? I should only make mistakes." "You have for your advisers," answered his son, "some twenty men drawn from all departments of life; ought you not to be able to rely on them? When you came to the throne one of our greatest literary men lay bed-ridden, dying quietly of old age.

For, after the death of Asmund and of Unna, Saevuna had moved back to Coldback on the Marsh. "Nay, how can this be?" said Gudruda astonished, for she knew well that Saevuna was now both blind and bed-ridden. "She has been borne here in a chair," said the woman who told her, "and that is a strange sight to see."

Mary looked inquiringly at Billy, and a smile but little according with his mother's seeming distress parted his lips as he whispered, "She was reading yesterday about a woman that had been bed-ridden with a spinal difficulty, and now she declares that she too 'has got a spine in her back, though I fancy she would be in a pretty predicament without one.

"Well," said the woman, "there's not many cares about a bad-tempered, bed-ridden woman, but you're one of them that's been kind. I don't say much, but I know." "You make me nearly cry," said Anne, drawing the bag out of the oven and feeling its temperature.

Mysy was bed-ridden by this time, and the smoke threatened to choke her; so Cree, instead of chasing his persecutors, bargained with them. He gave them fly-hooks which he had busked himself, and when he had nothing left to give he tried to flatter them into dealing gently with Mysy by talking to them as men.

Now when the sweet-wort was ready, they were all eager to taste it, you may guess; first of all the Ogre, and then all his kith and kin. But Shortshanks had brewed the wort so strong that they all fell down dead, one after another, like so many flies, as soon as they had tasted it. At last there wasn't one of them left alive but one vile old hag, who lay bed-ridden in the chimney-corner.

Ishmael lifted the latch and entered the hut, softly lest Hannah should have fallen asleep and he should awaken her. He was right. The invalid had dropped into one of those soft, refreshing slumbers that often visit and relieve the bed-ridden and exhausted sufferer.

And for centuries, perhaps, circumstances had never so combined to kindle the mystical fire of faith as they did at Lourdes. * I give this name as written by M. Zola; but in other works on Lourdes I find it given as "Bernarde Loubie a bed-ridden old woman, cured of a paralytic affection by drinking the water of the Grotto." Trans.