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Scotty banked around and headed over the clump of birches. In a small clearing behind the clump they saw two men in Scout uniforms. The men looked up, and one spread his hands wide in a gesture that said nothing of importance had been turned up. "There's only one thing to do," Rick said decisively. "We've got to check on the..." He stopped as though a hand had clutched his throat.

"That's ma last!" he said, and picking up an aerial torpedo from between his feet, he dropped it over the side. It struck the last car, which dissolved noisily into dust and splinters, while the force of the explosion overturned the car ahead. "A bonnie shot," said Tam o' the Scoots complacently, and banked over as he turned for home.

Tam followed in a dizzy drop. Three thousand feet from earth the bombing machine turned a complete somersault and Tam's heart leaped into his mouth. He banked over to follow the pursuing German and in the brief space of time which intervened before his enemy could adjust his direction to cover pilot and gunner, Tam had both in line.

Pop might be childish on some subjects, but Bud rather banked on his judgment of horses and Pop was penurious and anxious to win money. "What are you thinking about?" Honey demanded when the music stopped. "Something awful important, I guess, to make you want to keep right on dancing!" "I was thinking of horse-racing," Bud confessed, glad that he could tell her the truth. "Ah, you!

In such a case her chance of finding him was the mere freak of accidental meeting; a chance not to be banked upon in a country already swarming with its citizen soldiery. . . . And yet there was nothing to do but keep on. She had sought a park bench where groups of soldiers were continually moving by. The lights shone on their faces, and her own tired eyes followed them incessantly.

He found that the ridge of the beach was formed by a glacial moraine, while accumulations of boulders, banked up in morainic ridges, concentric with one another and with the beach moraine, extended far out from the shore like partly sunken reefs.

Among October's massing leaves, a small disquiet stirred. The leaves banked orderly between their parent trunks. Sabre noticed as a curious thing how, when they stirred, they only trembled in their massed formations, not broke their ranks, as if some live thing ran beneath them. He said, "Do you know what this seems to me?

Then amidst a heap of smashed branches and fencing that had banked itself against a portion of his garden wall I perceived something stir. I made a run for this, but before I reached it a brown object separated itself, rose on two muddy legs, and protruded two drooping, bleeding hands. Some tattered ends of garment fluttered out from its middle portion and streamed before the wind.

"Was it an accident?" asked Bluff, looking to Frank for an opinion. "What do you think, Jerry?" demanded the leader. "It couldn't have been an accident, and I'm dead sure of it," was the reply. "Suppose you state your reasons then." "First, we banked the fire down as usual before crawling into bed. Then there wasn't a particle of wind to scatter the sparks.

The room was flooded with autumn sunshine and banked with the flowers the invalid loved best; a plate of luscious fruit stood on the table beside the wheel-chair, a late magazine lay open on the floor close by, and Gypsy sang deliriously from his perch in the big bay window. All this Peace saw, and more.