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Updated: August 6, 2024

Ch. xx. section 21, ch. xxv. section 22, ch. xxvi. section 3. "Un Credo." Ch. xxix. section 11. St. John iv. 5-42: the Gospel of Friday after the Third Sunday in Lent, where the words are, "hanc aquam." See ch. i. section 6; and Way of Perfection, ch. xxix. section 5; ch. xix. section 5 of the earlier editions. Ch. xiv. section 12. Of Certain Outward Temptations and Appearances of Satan.

I am not old enough, nor tenacious enough, to pretend not to understand the main purport of your last letter; and to show you that I do, you may draw upon me for two hundred pounds, which, I hope, will more than clear you. Good-night: 'aquam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem': Be neither transported nor depressed by the accidents of life. BLACKHEATH, May 16, 1759

Upon the table was a hurried farewell of that General to the scenes of his, discomfiture, written in a Latin worthy of Juan Vargas: "Vale civitas, valete castelli parvi, qui relicti estis propter aquam et non per vim inimicorum!"

How Master Richard went to God Transivimus per ignem et aquam: et eduxisti nos in refrigerium. We have passed through fire and water: and Thou hast brought us out into a refreshment. Ps. lxv. 12.

Prom which you, a sinner, must draw this moral, that you must look for your wife not far away, but near; because if you get a bad one, you will cry as did the philosopher, when his quarrelsome wife poured aquam sordidam on his head." "In saecula saeculorum, amen!" exclaimed in unison the wandering seminarists, who when responding to the abbot, did not always answer properly.

Vale civitas, valete castelli parvi; relicti estis propter aquam et non per vim inimicorum! Oh! the donkey 'Castelli parvi!" "What does it mean?" asked the Beggar. "Farewell, Leyden, farewell, ye little 'Castelli; ye are abandoned on account of the waves, and not of the power of the enemy. 'Parvi Castelli! I must tell mother that!"

Virgil had that love of rivers which, I think, a poet is rarely without; and it did not need Greece to teach him to sing of the fields: Propter aquam, tardis ingens ubi flexibus Mincius et tenera praetexit arundine ripas. "By the water-side, where mighty Mincius wanders, with links and loops, and fringes all the banks with the tender reed."

A young man who was then learning stenography and who idolizes great orators, took it down; thanks to this fact, we can here present a selection from the sacred oratory of those regions. The Sermon Fray Damaso began slowly in a low voice: "'Et spiritum bonum dedisti, qui doceret eos, et manna tuum non prohibuisti ab ore eorum, et aquam dedisti eis in siti.

Contra venenum quod de quarto arboris genere stillat, solum est intoxicato remedium, vt de proprio fimo per puram aquam distemperato bibat.

Quasi aquam ferventem frigidam esse, ita vos putatis leges. Cato the leader of the reform party expresses himself still more emphatically than the comedian. "Lending money at interest," he says in the preface to his treatise on agriculture, "has various advantages; but it is not honourable.

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