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Updated: August 29, 2024

I was present when Caius Carbo, the son of Caius, a tribune of the people, uttered these words in the assembly of the people: "O Maree Druse, patrem appello." Here are two clauses, each of two feet. Then he gave us some more periods: "Tu dicere solebas, sacram esse rempublicam." Here each clause consists of three feet.

The ultimate principles of beauty, according to which the eye judges 'senza appello, are for Firenzuola a secret, as he frankly confesses; and his definitions of 'Leggiadria, 'Grazia, 'Aria, 'Maesta, 'Vaghezza, 'Venusta, are partly, as has been remarked, philological, and partly vain attempts to utter the unutterable.

Richard Montagu, who had made himself conspicuous on the anti-Puritan side in the time of James. In defence of himself he had written his Appello Cæsarem, with James's leave and encouragement. It was a long book, refuting the charges made against him of Popery and Arminianism, and full of bitter invectives against the Puritans.

AIT: sc. esse; the omission with aio is rare, though common with dico, appello etc.; see n. on 22. COMICOS: not 'comic' in our sense, but = in comoediis, 'represented in comedy'. So Rosc. CREDULOS: in almost every Latin comedy there is some old man who is cheated by a cunning slave. Off. 3, 36 error hominum non proborum. ISTA: implying contempt.

C. Carbo, the son of Caius, and a Tribune of the people, once said in a public trial in which I was personally engaged, "O Marce Druse, Patrem appello;" where you may observe two commas, each consisting of two feet.

They were received with a storm of applause, as indeed their elevation justly merits. "O Marce Druse, patrem appello; tu dicere solebas sacram esse rempublicam; quicunque eam violavissent, ab omnibus esse ei poenas persolatas. Patris dictum sapiens temeritas filii comprobavit."

He left on record, amongst his Thoughts, the following solemn declaration: “IF MY LETTERS ARE CONDEMNED IN ROME, WHAT I CONDEMN IN THEM IS CONDEMNED IN HEAVEN. AD TUUM, DOMINE JESU, TRIBUNAL APPELLO.” From Pascal’s finished work we turn to his unfinished Remains. The one will always be regarded as the chief monument of his literary skill, and of the executive completeness of his mind.

And because men fought and agonized and died on those plains by Pharsalus, the edict could go from Rome that all the world should be taxed, and a naturalized Roman citizen could scorn the howls of the provincial mobs, could mock at Sanhedrins seeking his blood, and cry: "Civis Romanus sum. Cæsarem appello!" How long did the battle last? Drusus did not know. No one knew.

"To her Grace!" exclaimed the Bishop. "Appello Cæsarem," said Anthony, and was gone again. As Anthony came into the courtyard of Greenwich Palace an hour or two later he found it humming with movement and noise.

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