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So Anima told all that had happened to her, and the old woman said: "Thou hast married my nephew, my sister's son, and I fear she will never forgive thee. But pluck up courage, go to her and demand thy husband, and she'll have to give him up to thee if thou canst do all that she demands from thee.

"Anima mia," said the pupil of Machiavelli, disguising in the tenderest words the cruellest intentions, for one of his most cherished Italian proverbs was to the effect that there is no getting on with a mule or a woman unless you coax them, "Anima mia, soul of my being, you have already seen that Violante mopes herself to death here." "She, poor child! Oh, no!"

The soul or anima of the first three buildings is in their windows; but of the last three, in their walls. All these points I may for the present leave you to think over for yourselves, except one, to which I must ask yet for a few moments your further attention.

Put 2 ozs. of gum benjamin, 1/4 oz. of gum sandrac, and 1/4 oz. of gum anima, into a pint of spirits of wine, in a closely stopped bottle, place the bottle either in a sand bath, or in hot water, till the gums are dissolved, then strain off the mixture, shake it up with a 1/4 of a gill of the best clear poppy oil, and put by for use.

It will be remembered that Savonarola was now dead, but that his constitution still existed under the presidency of Pietro Soderini the non mai abbastanza lodato Cavaliere, as Pitti calls him, the anima sciocca of Machiavelli's epigram.

The former division is represented by the human soul, the anima rationalis; and they affirm as a matter, not merely of reason, but of faith, that every human soul is created out of nothing, and by this act of creation is endowed with the power of existing for all eternity, apart from the materia prima of which the corporeal frame of man is composed.

In the strange and often romantic psychology of the De Anima, and in the singular clothes- philosophy of the De Pallio, he appears as the precursor of Swedenborg and Teufelsdrueckh.

Humana autem anima rationalis est, quae mortalibus peccati poena tenebatur, ad hoc diminutionis redacta ut per conjecturas rerum visibilium ad intelligenda invisibilia niteretur; that is, "The human soul is still rational, but in such a manner that, being by the punishment of sin detained in the bonds of death, it is so far reduced that it can only endeavour to arrive at the knowledge of things invisible through the visible."

"If," he says, "we assume a difference between soul and spirit, and coin the word soulical as the antithesis of spiritual, we present his exact idea. The Greek word psyche, soul or life, when used as antithetical to pneuma, spirit, signifies that animating, formative, and thinking soul or anima which belongs to the animal, and which man, as animal, shares as his lower nature with other animals.

The incomparable Mahat-soul or Universe is then swallowed up by Sambhu, that Lord of all things, to whom the Yoga attributes of Anima, Laghima, Prapti, etc., naturally inhere, who is regarded as the Supreme and pure Effulgence that is Immutable. His hands and feet extend over every part; his eyes and head and face are everywhere, his ears reach every place, and he exists overwhelming all things.