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Updated: August 2, 2024

I tell ell you, Bil lilly Bradly, that you'll never die on your bed for that night's wo ork." "And even if I don't, Ned, you won't have my account to answer for." "An' mighty glad I am of it: my own own's bad enough, God knows, an' for the mat matther o' that here's God pardon us all, barrin' that ould cardin' sinner amin, acheerna villish, this night! Boys, I'll sing-yes a song."

It shows the power of this Crass, any way; an you may tell your frinds, that I'll sell bades touched wid it to the faithful at sixpence apiece. They can be put an your padareens as Dicades, wid a blessin'. Oxis Doxis Glorioxis Amin! Let us now bear the corpse home, antil it's dressed and laid out dacently as it ought to be."

I never shtrip at night, but just throws my blanket over me, an' sleeps like a top. Glory be to God! Oh, then, there's nothing like the health ma'am: may God spare it to us! Amin, this night!"

Moreover, he returned the beaten girl to her husband, his son El Amin, renewing the marriage contract between them, and gave her great wealth and bade rebuild the house more handsomely than before.

First, he sent for his son Amin, and told him that he was informed of his secret marriage and how he had ill-treated Amina upon a very slight cause. Upon this, the prince, upon his father's commands, received her again immediately.

"Here, Darby," said one of them, "dhrink this off, an' my life for yours, it'll warm you to the marrow!" "Och, musha, but I wanted it badly," replied Darby, swallowing it at once; "it's the only thing that does me good when I'm this way. Deah Graslhias! Oxis Doxis Glorioxis. Amin!" "I think," said M'Kenna, "that what's in the horn's far afore it."

When the Khalif saw this, he turned to Jaafer and said to him, 'Belike this is one of my sons, El Amin or El Mamoun. Then he examined the young man that sat on the throne, and finding him accomplished in beauty and grace and symmetry, said to Jaafer, 'Verily, this young man abates no jot of the state of the Khalifate!

As a general rule Somali women prefer flirtations with strangers, following the well-known Arabian proverb, 'The new comer filleth the eye." Burton was thoroughly at home in Zeila "with the melodious chant of the muezzin" and the loudly intoned "Amin" and "Allaho Akbar" daily ringing in his ear.

That he may never want crown, pown', nor shi'n, nor you nayther! The Kingdom o' Heaven is your due, the pair of yee, and may yee be long going there! Amin!" A silent and prayerful moment followed on the benedictions, and Mrs. Twomey's bright little eyes rolled devoutly heavenwards. This concession to the solemnity of the occasion disposed of, the beneficiary became normal again.

I prayed." "And thou hast heard the Arafat sermon?" "Even so, O Prince." "Then, as thou art a believer, and a hadji, O Shaykh, thou and all with thee shalt see the Khatib on his dromedary, and hear him again. Only promise me to stay till his last Amin." "I promise," said the Shaykh, solemnly. "Go but remember prayer is the bread of faith." The Shaykh was comforted, and withdrew.

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