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Updated: August 18, 2024

Camalodunum, Londinium and Verulamium. Cf. Ann. 14, 33, where however the historian does not expressly say, the last two were burned. In ambiguo==ambigua, in a critical state. Alterius, sc. ducis. Artem et usum. Military science and experience. Summa ... cessit. The primary meaning of cedere is to go. See Freund sub v. Juveni, sc. Tum, sc. while veterani trucidarentur, etc.

... Hares Haeredem alterius, velut unda, supervenit undam. He does not seem born to enjoy Life, but to deliver it down to others. This is not surprising to consider in Animals, which are formed for our Use, and can finish their Business in a short Life. The Silk-worm, after having spun her Task, lays her Eggs and dies.

Recessuros, ut divus Julius recessisset, modo virtutes majorum suorum aemularentur. Neve proelii unius aut alterius eventu pavescerent: plus impetus, majorem constantiam, penes miseros esse.

Legi olim quemdam apud vos manens litteris antiquis; nescio Colucii ne esset, an alterius.

Roman and Papal the English Church was made, yet not so thoroughly so as completely to destroy its insular and Teutonic character. The Archbishop of Canterbury was still Papa alterius orbis; and the struggle for national independence of the Papacy commenced in England long before the struggle for doctrinal reform.

'Nemo potest mutare concilium suum in alterius injuriam. This maxim of Papinian is general in its terms, but Dr. Taylor applies it directly as a restriction upon the lawgiver, and a declaration in the Code leaves no doubt as to the sense of the civil law.

A man considered in his present state, seems only sent into the world to propagate his kind. He provides himself with a successor, and immediately quits his post to make room for him. Hæres. Hæredem alterius velut unda supervenit undam. HOR. Ep. 2. 1. 2. v. 175 Heir crowds heir, as in a rolling flood Wave urges wave. He does net seem born to enjoy life, but to deliver it down to others.

Suave mari magno turbantibus aequora ventis E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem; Non quia vexari quenquam eat jucunda voluptas, Sed quibus ipse malls caress qula cernere sauv' est. All this is easily applied to the present subject.

'Nova constitutio futuris formam imponere debet, et non praeteritis. The maxim in Bracton was taken from the civil law, for we find in that system the same principle, expressed substantially in the same words, that the law- giver cannot alter his mind to the prejudice of a vested right. 'Nemo potest mutare concilium suum in alterius injuriam."

Aeque discordiam praepositorum, aeque concordiam, subjectis exitiosam: alterius manus centuriones, alterius servos vim et contumelias miscere.

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