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Updated: August 19, 2024

"There. Do not move the curtain or they will suspect we are watching them. Look a little to the left, by the lamp-post. The other you can catch a glimpse of if you look between those two trees." "What does it mean? Why are they waiting?" she burst out. Her face had gone very pale, and her big dark eyes glared affrightedly from the window to her husband. "Hush!

Shibli Bagarag heard the voice of Noorna shriek affrightedly, 'Karaz! and as they were sliding on the down slope, she stood upright in the shell, pronouncing rapidly some words in magic; and the shell closed upon them both, pressing them together, and writing darkness on their very eyeballs.

"Who showed it to you?" The blood rushed back into her face rushed overwhelmingly, as the sense rushed upon her mind that her own words had betrayed her. She struck her hands together in despair. "I never wrote it," she gasped affrightedly; "I know nothing about it!" "Yes," I said, "you wrote it, and you know about it. It was wrong to send such a letter, it was wrong to frighten Miss Fairlie.

This meant taking out the contents of bureau drawers and wardrobes and putting them back again, massing the litter on the big table in the living-room into an involved geometry of neat piles that would endure for all of an hour, straightening pictures on the walls, eliminating the home-circles of spiders long unmolested, loudly calling upon Lew Wee, the Chinaman, who affrightedly fled farther and farther after each call, and ever and again booming pained surmises through the house as to what fearful state it would get to be in if she didn't fight it to a clean finish once in a dog's age.

He was uncertain of speech; his face was the colour of pea-soup; he looked anxiously, almost affrightedly, at me. He grew plainly more comfortable as the Duke failed to get any information out of me beyond the fact that the weather was cold.

Then Karna covered the welkin with his shafts, contending with that celestial illusion of the Rakshasa. The Suta's son, endued with modesty and achieving the most difficult and noble feats, did not lose his senses in that battle. Then, O king, all the Saindhavas and Valhikas affrightedly looked at Karna who kept his senses in that fight.

The captain said hoarsely, "I don't suppose I don't suppose I'll ever see you again!" She looked at him affrightedly and shrank back from the window. He seemed to have woefully expected a reception of this kind for his question. He gave her instantly a glance of appeal. She said, "Why, no, I don't suppose we will." "Never?" "Why, no, 'tain't possible. You you are a Yankee!"

The men of the Golden City would be merciless to compatriots of Jacaro's gunmen. And Tommy had Evelyn to look out for. When dawn came, his face was drawn and lined. Evelyn woke with a little gasp, staring affrightedly about her. Then she tried gamely to smile. "Morning, Tommy," she said shakily. She added in a brave attempt at levity: "Where do we go from here?"

It was repeated for a third time, and as he realized whence it came he cried out, affrightedly: "Donnelly! Donnelly! Oh, God!" Then he began to run swiftly, as he had run that night four years before, with the lights of Terranova in the distance, and in his heart was that same sickening, horrible terror. But this time he ran, not away from the sound, but towards it.

She at once supposed that some of their school-fellows meant to haze them; but she did not know how her chum would take such a startling awakening from sound sleep. She knew that, had she been asleep herself and opened her eyes to see these shrouded figures gathered about her bed, she would have been frightened beyond expression. "Don't let her see you first!" gasped Ruth, affrightedly.

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