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A dreamdust peddler came wandering through the Enclave one night and let me have a free sniff. Generous of him." "And you became an addict?" "Five minutes later. So my ship left without me. That was eleven years ago, Earthtime. Alan felt cold inside. It could have happened to him, he thought that free sniff. Byng's thin shoulders were quivering.

Only two factors: first, the potential destruction of the Myzab and the Black Stone in case of treachery; and second, two tiny pinches of salt exchanged between the Master and old Bara Miyan! The situation, calmly reviewed, was one probably never paralleled in the history of adventure more like the dream of a hashish-smoking addict than cold reality.

In the course of these memoirs I have more than once remarked that a ridiculous spirit of vainglory is often the source of those prodigious mischiefs which are committed by those abandoned persons, who addict themselves to open robberies, and the carrying on, as it were, a declared war against mankind.

Had it been disclosed to her that Wilbur Cowan, under the chaperonage of Edward Spike Brennon, 133 lbs., ringside, had become an addict of these affairs, a determined and efficient exponent of the weird new steps "a good thing for y'r footwork," Spike had said she would have considered he had plumbed the profoundest depths of social ignominy. Yet so it was. Each Friday night he danced.

"I'm going to buy a beautiful present for every one," added the now fatuous giver. "Every one!" It was all Merle could manage, and even it caused him to gulp. "Every one," repeated the hopeless addict. And even as he said it he was snared again, this time by an immense advertising placard propped on the counter. It hymned the virtues of the Ajax Invigorator.

That might have been foreseen by any one at all familiar with the psychopathology of reform. A cigarette addict who, in a spartan moment, swears off smoking, is familiar enough with the inner gnaw that robs him of his sleep and roils his dinner for days and days. His body, long habituated to the tobacco, had dutifully taken on the business of manufacturing its antidote.

And besides, if what I gathered of the theory of their religion from a passenger on board the Mediterranean trader, be correct, they depart greatly from the severity of their principles, when they so addict themselves to the practices of courts and of the rich.

If by party is meant mere faction, plainly no man can addict himself to it with impunity. But when the English nation was struggling in the grasp of a court and a prelacy which sought to reduce it to the level of Spain, no Englishman as it seems to us could with impunity perch himself aloft in a palace of art while peasants were shedding their blood to make him free.

Associations being of two sorts, either between synchronous, or between successive impressions; and the influence of the law which renders associations stronger in proportion to the pleasurable or painful character of the impressions, being felt with peculiar force in the synchronous class of associations; it is remarked by the writer referred to, that in minds of strong organic sensibility synchronous associations will be likely to predominate, producing a tendency to conceive things in pictures and in the concrete, richly clothed in attributes and circumstances, a mental habit which is commonly called Imagination, and is one of the peculiarities of the painter and the poet; while persons of more moderate susceptibility to pleasure and pain will have a tendency to associate facts chiefly in the order of their succession, and such persons, if they possess mental superiority, will addict themselves to history or science rather than to creative art.

However, we are so used to whipping our adrenals with salt that we don't notice it. What we do notice is that we think we like the taste of salted food and consider that food tastes flat without it. But take away a person's salt shaker and they become very uncomfortable. That's because the addict isn't getting their regular dose.