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I suppose Peggy always alluded to me as "dear Aunt Elizabeth," when that poor young fellow knew me at the Abercrombies', where we were staying a year ago, as Miss Lily Talbert. The situation with regard to him and Peggy fairly puzzles me. I simply do not know what to do. Goodness knows I never lifted my finger to attract him.

About the same time, the Earlys came from Virginia, and the Abercrombies from North Carolina, and located respectively in the new counties of Greene and Hancock. They were all men of strong character, and all exercised great influence with those who accompanied or came to them at a subsequent period.

"Couldn't you and he come to our house after supper?" asked Agnes. "I'll find out and 'phone you when he comes in. He doesn't generally have anything special on hand Saturdays, unless something is going on at the Abercrombies'." This gave Edna a new theme to think of and in consequence she did not find it hard to keep from talking of Nettie's secret when she and Dorothy met that afternoon.

No doubt there were several Miss Abercrombies on draught, and he selected the tallest or the cleverest or the most musical, avoiding, of course, the dowdiest. However, there was Lady Ancester's romance, told to account for the languid intercourse between the Castle and Pensham Steynes, and the non-recognition of one another by Gwen and the Man in the Park.

All, or very nearly all of the leading families of the State the Lamars, Cobbs, McIntoshes, Waynes, Telfairs, Cummings, Tatnals, Dawsons, Abercrombies, Holts, Blackshears, and many others were Republicans, and active in the support of Crawford for the Presidency. These apparently insurmountable difficulties were to be overcome in the organization of new parties.

It was just a suspicion of my own and I had nothing to substantiate it, but the old chap interested me and I've always been curious about him. I wonder if he could possibly have been related to the Abercrombies of the Coast?" "Whoever he was, he must have been rather a fine old codger himself for he brought Will his adopted daughter up splendidly," Winnie observed with enthusiasm.

Didn't one of the Dampiers murder somebody, or something like that? It seems to me I have heard dear Mama relate some such circumstance." "Oh, no, Mary! It wasn't murder! He shot one of the Abercrombies in a duel, that's all. He was really a very fine man! They had a dispute about a horse, and Mr. Abercrombie struck Mr. Dampier's little negro groom over the head with his crop.

"I admire Miss Elizabeth Talbert very much indeed, but I never really thought of being seriously engaged to her." "Ah!" said I, icily. "And did you think of being frivolously engaged to her?" "I not only thought of it," said Goward, "but I was. It was at the Abercrombies', Mr. Price. Lily that is to say, Aunt Elizabeth " "Excuse me, Mr. Goward," I interrupted.

Now Ben admired Agnes very much, though he would not have it known for the world. "I was going to Abercrombies," he said with apparent reluctance. "Oh, but you see Will Abercrombie every day," said Celia coaxingly, "and we do so want to have your help, Ben." "Well, perhaps I can 'phone to Will not to expect me," said Ben giving in.

"Uncle Em has a protracted case here, so we may be here quite a while longer, but when I get home will you let me go district-visiting sometime with you? And introduce me to the girl with eyes like mine, and whose name is Rose my middle name. It makes me feel queer every time I think of her I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it seems a little as if there were two Rose Abercrombies.