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"Messire," says she, with eyes still a-droop, "came you in sooth in quest of me?" "Yea, verily. I heard Sir Gilles had made captive of a nun, so came I to deliver her an so it might be." "E'en though she were old, and wrinkled, and toothless, messire?"

Suddenly she looked up and seeing me, rose at once, and lifting the great turtle-shell limped wearily towards me with this borne before her. "Ha," says I, viewing her tear-wet cheeks as she came, "must ye weep, madam, must ye weep?" "May I not weep, Martin?" says she, head pitifully a-droop. "Come, let us go back, you look very pale, 'twas wrong of you to come so far!

So great was the change that Spike stared speechless, and Mr. Brimberly gaped with whiskers a-droop. "Well, shall I do?" enquired Mr. Ravenslee, tightening his faded neckerchief. "Do?" repeated Spike, "say you look all to d' mustard, Geoff! You you look as if you could do things, now!" "Strangely enough, Spike, I rather feel that way too!" So saying, Mr.

So they laid Hubert of Erdington very reverently upon that trampled field he had maintained so well. "A right noble knight, my lord," quoth Prat, shaking gloomy head, "but for him, methinks our pikemen would have broke to their third onset!" "There is no man of you hath not fought like ten men this day!" said Beltane, leaning on his sword and with head a-droop. "Have we lost many, know ye?"

"For the present!" said he, and though his tone was light there was a very real humility in his attitude as he stood bareheaded before her. "For the present!" he repeated. "Well we are very near neighbours," said she, dark lashes a-droop. "And neighbourliness is next to godliness isn't it?" "Is it?" "Well, I think so, anyway? So, Miss Hermione not 'good-by."

He sat on a battered and disused pail that chanced to be handy, a smouldering cigarette dangling from his thin-lipped mouth, his long hands pendulous between his knees, his pallid eyelids sleepily a-droop; but his eyes, quick and watchful, scanned the deeper gloom of fence and dismal outbuilding, and he sat there very patient and very still.

Go now, do even as I command, and may God keep thee, my faithful Roger." Then Beltane began to climb, but being come where the great branch forked, looked down to see Roger's upturned face, pale amid the gloom below. "The holy angels have thee in their keeping, lord and master!" he sighed, and so turned with head a-droop and was gone.

The rising sun made a glory all about them, pouring his beams 'twixt mighty trees whose knotted, far-flung branches dappled the way here and there with shadow; but now Beltane saw nought of it by reason that he walked with head a-droop and eyes that stared earthward; moreover his hands were clenched and his lips close and grim-set.

Now as he stood thus, viewing all things keen-eyed and watchful, he was presently aware of Sir Benedict and Black Roger who walked together within a distant alley; and as they passed them to and fro Black Roger talked amain, what time Sir Benedict seemed to hearken right solemn and attentive, oft pausing to question him quick and eager, and oft to clap hand to Roger's brawny back; and sometimes laughed he blithe and joyous and sometimes hearkened with grizzled head a-droop, until a turn in the glade hid them from sight.

"And I tell you now that had I been sure you wanted that hemlock to get you, I'd have left you where you stood. The world is all cluttered up with fools, as it is." It came so quickly that Garry was not immediately aware of the attack. He smiled, covertly. "Accidents will happen," he feigned a protest. Abruptly the taller man wheeled, lids a-droop.