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Updated: August 19, 2024

But for all his white collar, and necktie, and sanctimonious look, I found out that he wuz a waiter, for all on 'em looked jest as he did, slick enough to be kept in a bandbox, and only let out once in a while to air. Wall, he led the way to a little table, and we seated ourselves, Josiah still a-actin' mad mad as a hen, and uppish.

It is nothin' but dumb foolishness a movin' round stoves, and if anybody don't believe it let 'em look at me and let 'em look at that stove set right here in the door as firm as a rock." Sez I agin in a whisper, "Do be still, and I'll let 'em in, I don't want them to ketch you a talkin' so and a-actin'." "Wall, I want 'em to ketch me, that is jest what I want 'em to do.

Where wuz Bizer durin' this fearful seen? while I wuz a-showin' plain the deathless devotion to my sect to another one in distress. He wuz all took up with his own feelin's of pride and show. He wuz a-ridin' a donkey, and it wuz a-backin' up and a-actin', and took every mite of his strength and firmness to keep on.

Poot soon when they git a little older 'n' they find out how you been afoolin' 'em about Santy Claus, they'll wonder if what you been a-tellin' 'em about the Good Man ain't off o' the same bolt o' goods, an' another one o' them cunningly devised fables. Think they'll come any blessin' on tellin' a lie? An' a-actin' it out? No, sir. No, sir. Ain't ary good thing to a lie, no way you kin fix it.

It is nothin' but dumb foolishness a movin' round stoves, and if anybody don't believe it let 'em look at me and let 'em look at that stove set right here in the door as firm as a rock." Sez I agin in a whisper, "Do be still, and I'll let 'em in, I don't want them to ketch you a talkin' so and a-actin'." "Wall, I want 'em to ketch me, that is jest what I want 'em to do.

Question and answer passed swiftly and quietly back and forth between Dixon, Jameson, Hill and Tharon. In a few pregnant moments she knew what had happened in Corvan they knew the secret of False Ridge and the Cup o' God. "An' now these strangers from below they ben a-actin' awful queer, ain't a-feared o' nothin' an' they ben goin' all over like a couple o' hounds.

And like as not if she hadn't got it she would have throwed herself and kicked. I shouldn't wonder a mite if she had. But she jest clawed right in, and tore round and acted, and jawed, and coaxed, and kinder cried, and carried the day, jest as spilte children will, more'n half the time. Not but what New York wuz a-cuttin' up and a-actin' jest as bad, accordin' to its age.

Tuffin commiseratingly; "but I don't advise 'ee to do it, my dear 'twouldn't be safe, an' you'd be bound to give 'em up one time or another. I d' 'low that maid be a-actin' as she be to spite ye more nor anythin' else; the more unwillin' you be, the more she'm pleased." "Very like," agreed Susan.

I felt proud on 'em to see their onbroken dignity and simplicity of mean. And, thinkses I, the demeanor of them books is a lesson to Republics how to act before Royalties; not a-backin' up and a-actin', not put out a mite, not forward, and not too backward jest about megum.

And she proposed that we should go round a little together she said that she had been here so many times, that she felt she could offer herself as our "Sissy Roney." She looked at Josiah as she spoke kinder kokettish, and I thought to myself, You are a-actin' pretty kittenish for a woman of your age. "Sissy!"

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