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Whether raw or cooked, cheese seems to call for the harder kinds of bread crusty rolls or biscuits, zwieback, toast, pulled bread or hard crackers. A soft, crumbly cheese is best for cooking. Cheese is sufficiently cooked when melted, if cooked longer it becomes tough and leathery. Baking-soda in cheese dishes which are cooked makes the casein more digestible.

But it urges one, in great letters on every package, to "save the end seals; they are valuable!" Walter finds that by gathering one thousand two hundred of these seals he would be entitled to a "rolled-gold" watch absolutely free! This zwieback was the whole stock of a Yukon grocer purchased when the supply we ordered did not arrive.

Elsmere had the time of his life in the two hours before the arrival of the noon express. The station agent was a sociable soul. He had a guinea-pig in a box, so delightful to observe that Elsmere forgot his desire for zwieback and became conversational. He told the agent the history of the polly-wogs he had raised "till they was all froggies, only one was deaded."

It commences, of course, with soup; is followed by therind-fleisch and gemuse,” as above; and, if you can afford it, is concluded by some such sweet dish as flour puddings stewed with prunes, a common sort of cake called zwieback, omelette, macaroni, or a lighter kind of cake, baked and eaten with jam. All solid, wholesome, and of the best.

"I want zwieback," answered Elsmere cheerfully, in the persistent tone he had learned to value for its efficacy. "Where was your ma goin'?" asked the conductor. "I want zwieback," replied Elsmere. "Let me try," suggested a soft-voiced little lady. "I talked with his mother quite a bit while she was on.

"Zwieback and coffee is good enough for me," Abe replied. Max linked his arm in Abe's. "You shouldn't be mad at me, Abe," he said sadly. "I am all turned upside down about that boy; and if zwieback and coffee is good enough for you and him, Abe, I guess it must be too good for me. But, just the same, I am going to eat with you, Abe, and we'll let bygones be bygones."

Moody feeding nickels into the slot-machine with one hand and eating zwieback with the other made me nervous. After a while he went to sleep over it, and when he had slipped a nickel in his mouth and tried to put the zwieback in the machine he muttered something and went up to the house. I was glad to be alone.

In the morning he had read Theocritus, whom he believed to be the greatest of Greek poets; he had lunched with a merry don and had tasted Zwieback biscuits; then he had walked with people he liked, and had walked just long enough; and now his room was full of other people whom he liked, and when they left he would go and have supper with Ansell, whom he liked as well as any one.

A student frequently gives vent to an opinion that is only half-baked it is well, by the way, to make zwieback of all our opinions before we pass them around as edible about courses and instructors.

Want to find your mamma, little boy, and go to Grandma's and play with all the pigs and chickies?" "I want zwieback." "You talked with the woman, did you?" said the conductor. "Did you find out what her name was?" "Let me see. Yes. It's Peters. She was talking about going to his folks', two miles out of Edgewater. She'll be worried to death about this one."