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"That's a truly noble poem," commented King, as she finished. "Take your seat, Helen; you have done splendidly, my little girl!" "Now, Teddy Maynard, it's your turn," said Marjorie. "After Jacky," declared Mr. Maynard, and nothing would induce him to precede his friend. "Mine is about a visit I paid to the Zoo," said Mr. Bryant, looking modest.

"Now, how would you like to see a bear, Curtis?" came next. "I know where there's a beauty, twelve hundred pounds." "Must be some bear!" interjected the boy. "That's what it is," put in the President. "Regular cinnamon-brown type" and then off went the talk to the big bear at the Washington "Zoo" where the President was to send the boy.

But unwelcome as they were to me, they were not nearly so unpleasant in a state of nature as they had been in their clothing, for when considered as sentient beings they left much to be desired; as healthy human animals, I had to admit that they were a success, and having conceded the fact that they were animals and Horsham Manor was for the present a zoo, the rest was merely a matter of mental adjustment.

There had been a morning fete at the Botanical Gardens, and a large number of Forsy... that is, of well-dressed people who kept carriages had brought them on to the Zoo, so as to have more, if possible, for their money, before going back to Rutland Gate or Bryanston Square. "Let's go on to the Zoo," they had said to each other; "it'll be great fun!"

Do you feel a creeping, shrinking sensation, Watson, when you stand before the serpents in the Zoo, and see the slithery, gliding, venomous creatures, with their deadly eyes and wicked, flattened faces? Well, that's how Milverton impresses me. I've had to do with fifty murderers in my career, but the worst of them never gave me the repulsion which I have for this fellow.

This seemed to me to be a rather good revenge on Apollo for his very ungodlike treatment of Clytie, and if half the attendant told me that day at the Zoo is true, this excessively fickle Olympian is probably sorry by this time that he treated her originally with such uncalled for disdain. "Come over here and see the bear-pit," said the guide.

You would think at once that it had escaped from a circus or a zoo and would be mainly curious as to what the traffic policeman would do when it did not obey his signals. But all the incongruity and the fact that the automobile was a glaring anachronism did not prevent my abandoning my horse to the mafu and stretching out comfortably on the cushions of the rear seat.

The fact is that his friends and admirers sent him so many feathered or furred creatures that toward the end of his life he was the proprietor of a considerable zoo. Notwithstanding mismanagement by his employees and slaves, Washington accumulated much valuable domestic stock.

Perched on his veranda, with his head on one side he looked very like the marabout stork, as you may see him at the Zoo, that raffish bird with the folds in his neck, the stained glaucous complexion, the bald head and the brown human eye. He had the same look of respectable rascality. The younger Fujinami showed signs of becoming exactly like him, although the parentage was by adoption only.

"Well, I was practically certain that I had seen one in the Zoo, in the reptile house, but I have just learnt that it is my lucky month stone. Naturally I want to get one." The coffee came and we settled down to commerce. "I was just going to ask you," said my solicitor "have you any money lying idle at the bank? Because if so " "Whatever else it is doing, it isn't lying idle," I protested.