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"Doc Peets an' Enright, likewise the rest, don't like this none whatever, for she don't show dance-hall y'ear marks, an' ain't the dance-hall brand; but it looks like they's powerless to interfere. "Peets tries to talk to her, but she blushes an' can't hear him; while Enright an' Missis Rucker which the last bein' a female herse'f is rung in on the play don't win out nothin' more.

"'Is it a love story, Daddy Enright? asks Faro Nell, all eager, an' bendin' towards Enright across the layout. "'It shows brands an' y'ear marks as sech, Nellie, says Enright; 'love an' loco makes up the heft of it. "'Then tell it, urges Faro Nell. 'I'm actooally hungerin' for a love story, an' she reaches down an' squeezes Cherokee's hand onder the table.

"of the Mexicans's guns. Jim's dead then; he's out in a second; never bats an eye nor wags a y'ear. "'Which now, says Enright at the end, as he yanks his saddle 'round so he makes a place for his head, 'which now that you-alls is fully informed why I appears averse to Greasers, I reckons I'll slumber some.

I'd lose two hosses rather than have a gent I don't know none get hurt. So I grabs my Winchester an' allows to kill Alizan. But it's a new gun; an' you know what new sights is coarse as sandburrs; you could drag a dog through 'em an' I holds too high. I fetches the stranger, "bang!" right back of his left y'ear, an' the bullet comes outen his right y'ear.

It was Kate's little woolly white dog, Blinks, who often used to come to the cabin with her, and who sometimes, when he got a chance to run away, used to come alone, as he did this morning. "Go 'way dar, litty dog," said Miss Holly, "yer can't come in; dere's nobody home. Yun 'long, now, d'yer y'ear!" But Blinks either did not hear or did not care, for he stuck his head in at the door.

He makes a roode remark over his shoulder at this military manoover an' pelts ahead all onabated. Then I evolves a scheme to whack him on the head with my gun. I pushes my hoss up ontil his nose is right by that No'thern party's y'ear. Steadyin' myse'f, I makes a wallop at him an' misses.

"'If one of you-alls so much as cracks a cap, he says, 'I blows the head offen this yere blessed child. "An' tharupon he shoves his gun up agin that baby's left y'ear that a-way, so it shore curdles your blood. He does it as readily as if it's grown-up folks. It shore sends a chill through me; an' Dan Boggs is that 'fected he turns plumb sick.

He guesses the new love which has stampeded Sunbright. "Injuns is a mighty cur'ous outfit. Now if Sunbright had succeeded in gettin' to the lodge of her new husband, the divorce between her an' Black Cloud would have been complete. Moreover, if on the day followin' or at any time Black Cloud had found her thar, he wouldn't so much as have wagged a y'ear or batted a eye in recognition.

Dan likes both an' is doin' 'em even jestice. Over opp'site to Dan is a drunken passel of sports from Red Dog, said wretched hamlet bein' behind Wolfville in that as in all things else an' not ownin' no op'ry house. "As the evenin' proceeds it's about sixth drink time a casyooal gun goes off over among the Red Dog outfit, an' the lead tharfrom bores a hole in the wall clost to Dan's y'ear.

After every party announces what his brand an' y'ear mark will be, all' the same is put down in the book, a old longhorn named Maverick addresses the meetin', an' puts it up if so be thar's no objection, now they all has brands but him, he'll let his cattle lope without markin', an' every gent'll savey said Maverick's cattle because they won't have no brand.