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Some were for leaving at once; one family, piloted by the comfortable Belgian servants far cooler than any one else went to the cellar, some gathered about the grate in the writing-room to watch the night out; the rest of us went back to bed. There wasn't much sleep for any one that night.

As we crossed from the writing-room, we saw Alfonso de Moche coming in from the street. He saw us and came over to speak. Was it a coincidence, or was it merely a blind? Was he the one who had got away and now calculated to come back and throw us off guard?

But that is not the best sort of writing-room for lyric poets, particularly in a decade when acute self-consciousness, race-consciousness and even coterie-consciousness are exploited for commercial purposes, and the "lutanists of October" are duly photographed at their desks. Mere Technique

Sweetwater imagined the scene saw the figure of Brotherson hesitating at the top of the stairs saw hers advancing from the writing-room, with startled and uplifted hand heard the music the crash of that great finale and decided, without hesitation, that the words he had just heard were indeed the thoughts of that moment. "Edith, you know I promised you " What had he promised?

"Then you know who is the only person who can help you to go. Don't be a fool. Good afternoon!" He took a cab to the North British Hotel. On alighting, a newsboy offered him a paper. He was passing on when his eye was caught by the bill "Serious Rioting on the Rand." He bought a paper and with set countenance made his way to the writing-room off the lounge.

Lastly, and on our way back to the entrance-hall, we enter the writing-room of Sir Walter, which is surrounded by book-shelves, and a gallery, by which Scott not only could get at his books, but by which he could get to and from his bedroom; and so be at work when his visitors thought him in bed. He had only to lock his door, and he was safe.

Nor will I enlarge upon his going into the writing-room, and marking the road from London to Guildford with a fine, bright line of the reddest of red ink.

Lupin's motor-car was not only an office, a writing-room furnished with books, stationery, pens and ink, but also a regular actor's dressing-room, containing a complete make-up box, a trunk filled with every variety of wearing-apparel, another crammed with "properties" umbrellas, walking-sticks, scarves, eye-glasses and so on in short, a complete set of paraphernalia which enabled him to alter his appearance from top to toe in the course of a drive.

The pictures which crowded upon me of the various groups of excited and wildly gesticulating men and women through which we had passed on our way up, mingled themselves with the solemn horror of the scene in the writing-room, with its fleeting vision of youth and beauty lying pulseless in sudden death.

It was evident he was in the throes of unexpressed affection. In all his life he had never learned to express it. "Ye'll na be closing the old counting-room?" "I may come down here every day or so, just to keep my trusts up. I'll use it for a writing-room; it's near the bank"