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Her hair, braided by her own hands, was bound about a head, whose intellectual capacity and development were beautifully expressed in its graceful outline, and its broad open brow; her dress, arranged by herself, was a pattern of neatness and simplicity; the work she had knitted, lay beside her; her writing-book was on the desk she leaned upon. From the mournful ruin of such bereavement, there had slowly risen up this gentle, tender, guileless, grateful-hearted being.

"What one poor lad can do, another can if he will! If he will, James Barlow! It's just the will, you see. There was a copy in my old writing-book: 'What man has done, man can do." "Shucks! I'm ambitious enough, but 'tain't along no money lines. What I want is learnin' just plain knowledge.

And then he recalled a writing-book copy that Bonaventure had set for him, of the schoolmaster's own devising: Better Great Sorrow than Small Delight. His throat tightened and his eyes swam. A pretty schooner, with green hull and new sails, came down the bayou. As he turned to gaze on her, the bridge, just beyond his feet, began to swing open.

"Oh, if she would only come and see her;" said Mary, "it wouldn't seem half so bad." "Write to her," said Sal; "peradventure that may bring her." Mary had not thought of this before, and now tearing a leaf from her writing-book, and taking her pen, she wrote hurriedly, "Ella, dear Ella, won't you come and see little Alice once before she dies?

"But it seems to me, you've grown arbitrary all at once," said Amos, with a smile. "Yes," said Jonas, "I'm always arbitrary when I'm in command; if you mean, by arbitrary, determined to have my own way. I won't usurp any power; but, if you put it upon me, I shall use it, you may depend upon it." Jonas had two good reasons why he wanted to have only one writing-book for all his scholars.

"Then, the third evening," said Jonas, "Isabella shall study the spelling lesson, Oliver the arithmetic, and Amos take the writing-book." "What, ain't you going to have but one writing-book?" "No," said Jonas; "one is enough; because you won't all write the same evening. So you can write one page, Oliver another, and Amos the third." "No," said Isabella; "I don't like that.

"Well, Milly, suppose you begin with Becky, and poor Tiza too, indeed. I wonder whether a pair of little people could make a scrap-book for Becky to look at when she is getting better?" "Oh yes, yes!" said Milly, joyfully, "I've got ever so many pictures in mother's writing-book, she let me cut out of her 'Graphics, and Olly can help paste; can't you, Olly?"

Meanwhile Clive, who has been sitting apart moodily biting his nails, not listening to F. B.'s remarks, has broken into a laugh once or twice, and gone to a writing-book, on which, whilst George is still disserting, Clive is drawing.

And, therefore, as he found one old writing-book of Oliver's, half full, he determined to make the blank leaves of that answer for all. But he had another reason still.

If he got hurt, none of them pitied him. The whole school seemed glad, one day, when he had shoved a little girl into a mud-puddle, and upset an inkstand on a boy's writing-book, and spoiled it, to see the master give him a severe whipping, such as he deserved. It is not agreeable to dwell longer upon the conduct of this boy in school.