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All his wonderments in life had been hitherto unanswered and didn't the change mean that here again was the social relation? "Ah, I didn't live as you saw me the other day." "Yes," he answered and didn't he the next instant feel he must fairly have smiled with it? "the other day you were going it!" "For once in my life," said Kate Cookham. "I've left the hotel," she after a moment added.

She found time upstairs, even in her haste, as she had repeatedly found time before, to let the wonderments involved in these recognitions flash at her with their customary effect of making her blink: the question in especial of whether she might find her solution in acting, herself, in the spirit of what he had done, in forcing her "care" really to grow as much less as he had tried to make it.

May I forfeit every favour if in love I falsed thee, * If thee I left, abandon me by way of recompense: But I've been guilty of no crime such harshness to deserve, * And if I aught offended thee I bring my penitence; Of Fortune's wonders one it is thou hast abandoned me, * But Fortune never wearieth of showing wonderments."

Wendover observed, ruefully, that as Mrs. Berrington evidently could see nothing at all from where she had gone she had exchanged a very good place for a very bad one. 'I can't imagine I can't imagine said the girl; but she paused, losing herself in reflections and wonderments, in conjectures that soon became anxieties.

It was odd how that certainty again and again determined and coloured her wonderments of detail; the question, for instance, of HOW Amerigo, in snatched opportunities of conference, put the haunted creature off with false explanations, met her particular challenges and evaded if that was what he did do! her particular demands.

He plunged into that full measure of these things which simply made and spread itself as it gathered them in, made itself of responses and faiths and understandings that were all the while in themselves acts of curiosity, romantic and poetic throbs and wonderments, with reality, as it seemed to call itself, breaking in after a fashion that left the whole past pale, and that yet could flush at every turn with meanings and visions borrowing their expression from whatever had, among those squandered preliminaries, those too merely sportive intellectual and critical values, happened to make most for the higher truth.

It was odd how that certainty again and again determined and coloured her wonderments of detail; the question, for instance, of HOW Amerigo, in snatched opportunities of conference, put the haunted creature off with false explanations, met her particular challenges and evaded if that was what he did do! her particular demands.

Several quires, placed one over against another, and taking the voice by catches, anthem-wise, give great pleasure. Turning dances into figure, is a childish curiosity. And generally let it be noted, that those things which I here set down, are such as do naturally take the sense, and not respect petty wonderments.

"Your letters are so full of questions and wonderments about ways in your mother's day, that they set me rambling in the backwoods of the sixties, when women were sending their lovers to the Civil War, and then bravely sitting down and rolling their own hearts up with the bandages with which they busied their fingers.

To their amazement they saw Roger, after a moment's parley, help the young lady out of the boat, which straight-way returned to the launch; before they had time to exchange wonderments, she was advancing toward them with outstretched arms. "My dearest, dearest Hildegarde! Do I see you again, after so many years? Quel plaisir! what joy!"