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The person who had just been bound in this place of shame was the barber's widow from the Kotgasse, who had already been here once for giving lovers an opportunity for secret meetings, and to whom Katterle had fled for shelter.

In the garden he was met by Hannah, who immediately hastened with accelerated steps to her own house where she found Mary sobbing violently and dissolved in tears. The widow was soon informed of all that had occurred in her absence, and an hour later she had announced to the bishop that she would accept the call to Besa and was ready to start for Upper Egypt.

Just as she was opening the door to go upstairs, Audrey suddenly turned back into the room. "Darling," she said, kissing Madame Piriac. "How calmly you've taken it!" "Taken what?" "About me not being Mrs. Moncreiff nor a widow nor anything of that kind." "But, darling," answered Madame Piriac with exquisite tranquillity. "Of course I knew it before." "You knew it before!" "Certainly.

They were then about to be sent for safe keeping to Coutts's bank, and in the meantime lay close to the desk that had been rifled of a more portable but far less valuable booty. Upon my uncle John's death his widow had returned to England, and fixed her residence at a charming place called Heath Farm, in Hertfordshire.

"Well, then, that point is settled," said the widow with a brisk business air, which provided such a sharp contrast to her delightful womanly qualities and caused Dennis to wonder at the graceful alternation of the one with the other. "Now as to board: In the rear of the conservatory is a suite of rooms as cozy as any young man could wish. At the end of the week I expect to have them vacated.

Sometimes the sigh was very little. It depended a good deal on the nature of her remark whether the sigh was of the little, less, or least description; but it never failed, in one or other degree, to close her every observation. "I think he will," said Minnie, as she poured a second cup of tea for the widow. "Ay, that's right, lass," observed the captain; "there's nothin' like hope

Marfa, a rich and influential widow of the city, had fallen in love with a Lithuanian, and, inspired at once by the passions of love and ambition, sought to attach her country to that of her lover. She opened her palace to the citizens and lavished on them her treasures, seeking to inspire them with her own views.

It belongs, in all probability, to the person who sold that puzzle to the man from whom you bought it perhaps some weeping widow, Pugh, or hopeless orphan think of it. Let us have no further misunderstanding upon that point, my dear old friend.

He really believed in the virtues of Camille, and his terror redoubled. But what tried his patience beyond measure was the comparison that the widow of the drowned man never failed to draw between her first and second husband, and which was all to the advantage of the former. "Well! Yes," she cried, "he was better than you. I would sooner he were alive now, and you in his place underground."

He was enamored of the widow of one of his kinsmen, a woman no longer young, but of still agreeable person, strong will, and quick wit, and of a fascinating presence, which Vincenzo could not resist.