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Thimblefinger seemed to be very happy. He ran along before the children as nimbly as a killdee, talking and laughing all the time. Presently Drusilla, who brought up the rear, suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked around. Then she uttered an exclamation of fright. Sweetest Susan and Buster John paused to see what was the matter. "Wharbouts did we come in at?" she asked.

"Mars. George!" he shouted, "don't you see wharbouts you is? Wait, Mars. George! Pull dat hoss up!" But Blue Dave was too late. As he spoke, the horse and buggy plunged into the flood, and for a moment they were lost to view.

"I lay yo' mammy 'll 'spishun dat de rats' stummicks is widenin' in dis neighborhood w'en she come fer ter count up 'er cakes," said Uncle Remus, with a chuckle. "Deze," he continued, dividing the cakes into two equal parts "dese I'll tackle now, en dese I'll lay by fer Sunday. "Lemme see. I mos' dis'member wharbouts Brer Fox en Brer Rabbit wuz."

"Marse Cally," he said after a while, "I b'lieve you done got mo' settled, sence dog ef I don't b'lieve dat it's been sence yistiddy! I dunner wharbouts de change is, but it sho' is dar. It mought be de way you look at me, an' it mought be de way you don't look at me an' ef you ain't done grow'd bigger I ain't no nigger." "I have only ceased to be giddy for the time being," I said.

"Dey ain't none er you young w'ite men never had no 'casion fer ter strike up wid one er deze Mobile niggers?" asked Uncle Remus. "'Kaze ef you iz, den you knows wharbouts de devilment come in. Show me a Mobile nigger," continued the old man, an I'll show you a nigger dat's marked for de chain-gang.

Den Brer Rabbit shot de do' en sot down, en put his paws behime his years en begin fer ter sing: "'De place wharbouts you spill de grease, Right dar you er boun' ter slide, An' whar you fin' a bunch er ha'r, You'll sholy fine de hide. "Nex' day, Brer Fox sont word by Mr.