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Werner, musingly, "have proved a failure, as I hinted, except when liberally interspersed with scenes of action and human interest. The only financial failures among the host of motion picture theatres, so far as I have observed, are those that have attempted to run travel scenes and educational films exclusively.

I wanted to be alone. Ordinarily I would have enjoyed this, but now I had become a detective, and it was necessary to rummage about, and quickly. The sudden ringing of the telephone took the valet out into the tiny hall of the suite and gave me the opportunity I wished. Phelps apparently was calling up to leave some message for Werner, which I could not get, as the valet took it.

According to the drama, Tell is represented as being bound to the pole. In a short time he is surrounded by friends and neighbors. Among them are his father-in-law, Walter Furst, Werner Stauffacher, and Arnold of Melchthal. They advance to rescue the prisoner. The guards cry in a loud voice: "Revolt! Rebellion! Treason! Sedition! Help! Protect the agents of the law!"

In 1851, the firm erected the first automatic fire telegraphs in Berlin, and in the same year, Werner Siemens wrote a treatise on the experience gained with the underground lines of the Prussian telegraph system.

Werner, perceiving the furious tempest, inquired of Tell if his skill would enable him to struggle against the storm. "Arnold awaits us!" cried William; "and the fate of our country depends on this interview!" With these words he leaped into the boat, Werner jumped after him, and the rest followed.

The essential points of construction being worked out, improvements followed rapidly. Dr. Werner Siemans, of Berlin, introduced an important modification by making the revolving armature of a cylinder of soft iron, having a groove cut throughout its length on opposite sides. In these grooves a wire was wound and the armature was rotated on its axis between the poles of several magnets.

It seemed a waste of time to wait idly for Kennedy to reach his conclusions, so I cast about in my mind for some sort of inquiry of my own which I could conduct meanwhile, perhaps collecting additional facts about those we were watching at the studio. Somehow I could not wholly lose my suspicions of the director, Werner; especially now as I marshaled the evidence against him.

Well, I will now write the invitations." He had just finished the last note when the door opened, and John entered, perfectly out of breath. "Well, did you see Mr. Werner?" asked Gentz, folding the last note. "Yes, sir. Mr.

"Er what's that?" Werner had straightened on the bunk and was regarding his leader with fearful eyes. "Ah yes Saturday night. But don't you think a week from now, say next Tuesday " "Saturday night," repeated Koppy. "If you wouldn't be so swift, Koppy, I was going to point out that the moon will be darker a few days later. I'm a regular nightingale when it comes to the dark."

Good gracious, if I did not owe any one more than you, my creditors might thank their stars " "Poor creditors!" sighed Mr. Werner, saluting Gentz, and left the room with the footman, holding the letter like a trophy in his hand.