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The oars were shipped, and they made for the steamer. From the low deck of the smack they could be seen, now pictured against the sky on a wave's crest, and then lost to view altogether for a few seconds in the watery valley beyond.

As the cry leaves his lips, a gust of the shrill north strikes full on the sail and raises the waves up to heaven. The oars are snapped; the prow swings away and gives her side to the waves; down in a heap comes a broken mountain of water. These hang on the wave's ridge; to these the yawning billow shows ground amid the surge, where the sea churns with sand.

He ushered us into the piazza, where breakfast was laid, when uprose ten thousand flies from the breakfast table, that was covered with marmalade, and guava jelly, and nicely roasted yams, and fair white bread; and the fragrant bread fruit roasted in the ashes, and wrapped in plantain leaves; while the chocolate and coffee pots the latter equal in cubic content to one of the Wave's water butts emulated each other in the fragrance of the odours which they sent forth; and avocado pears, and potted calipiver, and cold pork hams, and really, I cannot repeat the numberless luxuries that flanked the main body of the entertainment on a side table, all strong provocative to fall to.

In this part of the wave's work the application of the energy which it transmits differs strikingly from the work previously done.

The brig rushed onward at a speed which she had never before equalled even in the fiercest gale tossed hither and thither by the leaping foam, yet always kept going straight onward by the expert steering of her captain. "Come aft all of you!" he shouted, when it was evident that the vessel was being borne surely forward on the wave's crest. "The masts will go for certain when we strike."

The whole sea and the whole tree are registers of what has happened, and are different for the wave's and the leaf's action having occurred.

Noll's presence of mind enabled him to clutch the jagged sides of the rock desperately, so that in the wave's return he was not drawn with it into the sea depths. Stunned, strangled, half blinded, and impelled by a sudden horror of death in the cold, treacherous sea, he took two or three forward steps, fell, then rose and strove to struggle on.

"Thou who didst waken from his summer-dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiæ's bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave's intenser day, All overgrown with azure moss and flowers." Blue-eyed girls have bound his dear head with garlands of the amorous rosemary.

It had been left some distance behind by the others, and was now approaching with arrow speed on the summit of a large wave. Suddenly the top of the billow curled over, and in another moment the canoe was turned bottom up! Like a cork it danced on the wave's white crest, then falling beneath the thundering mass of water, it was crushed to pieces and cast empty upon the beach.

As the change of the great wave's figure could not have been quickly communicated, we may conclude with certainty that the Samoan Islands are the summits of lofty mountains, whose sloping sides extend far toward the east. This conclusion affords interesting evidence of the necessity of observing even the seemingly trifling details of important phenomena.