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It was twae miles from Wamphray on the Lockerbie road, but they tell me the place is noo just a rickle o' stanes. 'I was wondering, mistress, if I could get a cup of tea in the village. 'Ye'll hae a cup wi' me, she said. 'It's no often we see onybody frae the Borders hereaways. The kettle's just on the boil.

Gilchrist in Dunscore, and Taylor in Wamphray, whom they prosecuted, not only to deposition, but even excommunication, for no reason but their bearing testimony against that ensnaring oath of abjuration, and a number of other defections.

"'Reconnoitring patrol reports hostile cavalry scou " "That'll be 'scouts," says the ever-ready M'Micking. "Carry on!" Wamphray continues obediently, "'Country'; stop; 'Have thrown out flank guns'; stop; 'Shall I advance or re " " tire," gabbles M'Micking, writing it down. " 'where I am'; stop; 'From O C Advance Guard'; stop; message ends." "And aboot time, too!" observes the scribe severely.

Another old theologian, Brown of Wamphray, was often in his hands. He was a strong Conservative, or, as he preferred to call himself, a Tory; except in so far as his views were modified by a hot-headed chivalrous sentiment for women.

Demas will be at his mine within the week. Strive with him, lest I faint by the way. 'Ye're unco lavish wi' the words, sir, was her only comment. We parted with regret, and there was nearly a row when I tried to pay for the tea. I was bidden remember her to one David Tudhole, farmer in Nether Mirecleuch, the next time I passed by Wamphray.

A year ago, for instance, you might have encountered an old friend, Private M'Micking, one of the original "Buzzers" of "A" Company, and ultimately Battalion Signal Sergeant under the lee of a pine wood near Hindhead, accompanied by Lance-Corporal Greig and Private Wamphray, regarding with languid interest the frenzied efforts of three of their colleagues to convey a message from a sunny hillside three quarters of a mile away.

'Scouts' is no 'scouts, but 'scouring' meaning 'sooping up. 'Guns' should be 'guarrd, and 'retire' should be 'remain. Mind me, now; next time, you'll be up before the Captain for neglect of duty. Wamphray, give the 'C.I., and let's get hame to oor dinners!" But "oot here" there is no flag-wagging.

I had always a great love to dear John Brown. Remember my love to John Brown. I never could get my love off that man. And all Rutherford's esteem and affection for Jean Brown's gifted and amiable son was fully justified in the subsequent history of the hard-working and well-persecuted parish minister of Wamphray.

Among other slaves of the Buzzer who assisted in establishing the necessary communications upon this occasion was Private Wamphray. For the next hour and a half it was his privilege in his subterranean exchange, to sit, with his receiver clamped to his ear, an unappreciative auditor of dialogues like the following: "Is that 'A' Company?" "Yes, sir." "Any news of your patrol?" "No, sir."

Letter 84 is a very remarkable piece of writing even in Rutherford, and the readers of this letter would gladly learn more than even its eloquent pages tell them about the woman who could draw such a letter out of Samuel Rutherford's mind and heart, the woman who was also the honoured mother of such a student and such a minister as John Brown of Wamphray.