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In the face of the gift of a costume, which Mrs. Hubbard had actually never worn, having conceived a strong distaste for it on its arrival from the dressmaker, she had time to think of her less fortunate friend. While waiting for the situation which was sure to come eventually, why didn't Nora run down to Brighton for a week after the terrible London heat?

Internally, the rebels are accumulating strength against an opportune time to rise; externally, powerful neighbouring countries are waiting for an opportunity to harass us.

So he stood breathing unevenly and waiting, and while he waited the temper of his nerves was being drawn as it is drawn from over-heated steel. "Come on with me," commanded Thornton.

My father was reading the paper, apparently waiting breakfast for me. We were on the very best of terms now. He felt convinced of my capability to work, and assured of my success.

"With a joy too deep for the futile hopelessness of words to express, we both descended from the high station and through the great halls. I found my way to the charming, peaceful room above the glowing city and fell asleep with prayers upon my lips for all the dead and dying upon the Earth. "The next day as I awoke I found my friend and Chapman waiting for me.

The apes came nearer and nearer, followed by their young ones, who were more timid; at last they sat down round us in a circle, without daring to come any nearer, waiting for me to distribute my delicacies. Then, almost invariably, a male more daring than the rest would come to me with outstretched hand, like a beggar, and I would give him something, which he would take to his wife.

And He knew that dangers and death itself will not appal a soul that is touched into heroic self-forgetfulness by His love. 'Set down my name, says the man in Pilgrim's Progress, though he knew may we not say, because he knew? that the enemies were outside waiting to fall on him.

His brother used to be a sort of idol; he seemed to love him the more for his quiet, easy ways, and to delight in waiting on him. I do believe he delays, because he cannot bear to come home without Henry! Mrs. Ponsonby preferred most topics to that of Mrs.

It was just then that Madame's maid crept down to his waiting-place with the intelligence that her mistress had been bolted in, and after a short consultation they agreed to go and see whether M. le Baron were indeed waiting, and, if he were, to warn him of the suspicious state of the lower regions of the palace.

Lady Earle went on with her task of arranging some delicate leaves and blossoms ready for sketching. "Ronald," said his father, "I have been waiting here some time. Have you been out?" "I have been in the park with Miss Charteris," replied Ronald. Lord Earle smiled again, evidently well pleased to hear that intelligence.