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Here I could not avoid opening my eyes somewhat wide, and even slipping in a slight interjectional observation: "Vivacities? Impetus? Fougue? I didn't know...." "Chut! a l'instant! There! there I went vive comme la poudre!" He was sorry he was very sorry: for my sake he grieved over the hapless peculiarity.

At every creak of the boards she shivers, dear little soul." As I said this, I took off my coat and my cravat. "Your line of conduct lies before you ready traced out," I added; "be impassioned with due restraint, calm with some warmth, good, kind, tender; but at the same time let her have a glimpse of the vivacities of an ardent affection and the attractive aspect of a robust temperament."

"We taught them how to run at Manassas," Mrs. Starlow, a Senator's dame, remarked. "I'm afraid they have learned the lesson so well that we shall never teach them how to stand," Mrs. Davis added, gayly. "Ah! friends, we are teaching each other how to die let us not forget that," Mrs. Gannat murmured, gently, and there was a sudden hush in the exchange of vivacities.

There were five card-tables and twenty-five players, and eighteen dancers of both sexes. At one o'clock in the morning, all present Madame Thuillier, Mademoiselle Brigitte, Madame Phellion, even Phellion himself were dragged into the vivacities of a country-dance, vulgarly called "La Boulangere," in which Dutocq figured with a veil over his head, after the manner of the Kabyl.

Yet if while the great moralist is indulging in these vivacities, he can be imagined as receiving a message from Mr. Boswell or Mrs. Thrale flashed through the depths of the ocean, we can suppose he might be tempted to indulge in another oracular utterance, something like this: A wise man recognizes the convenience of a general statement, but he bows to the authority of a particular fact.

And when he admitted that he was afraid of Paris for them, she laughed at his fears, called him provincial, full of affection for the city in which she had been born, in which she had grown to chaste young womanhood, and that gave her in return those vivacities, those natural refinements, that jesting good-humour which incline one to believe that Paris, with its rain, its fogs, its sky which is no sky, is the veritable fatherland of woman, whose nerves it heals gently and whose qualities of intelligence and patience it develops.

How much ten years did at this time, one is apt to forget; and how irregularly the slower minds of the older men would surrender themselves, sadly, or awkwardly, to the vivacities of their pupils.

At every creak of the boards she shivers, dear little soul." As I said this, I took off my coat and my cravat. "Your line of conduct lies before you ready traced out," I added; "be impassioned with due restraint, calm with some warmth, good, kind, tender; but at the same time let her have a glimpse of the vivacities of an ardent affection and the attractive aspect of a robust temperament."

He was sure, he M. Paul wished me well enough; he had never done me any harm that he knew of; he might, at least, he supposed, claim a right to be regarded as a neutral acquaintance, guiltless of hostile sentiments: yet, how I behaved to him! With what pungent vivacities what an impetus of mutiny what a "fougue" of injustice!

His sympathies are unlimited; and those who think him inferior to Tasso, only do so in consequence of their own want of sympathy with the vivacities that degrade him in their eyes. Ariosto can be as grave and exalted as Tasso when he pleases, and he could do a hundred things which Tasso never attempted. He is as different in this respect as Shakspeare from Milton.