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Nor could Virgil better express this opinion, or show by fitter words that he was convinced of its truth than, when he says: "To arms shall Tullus rouse His sluggish warriors." Virg. It was agreed between Tullus king of Rome, and Metius king of Alba, that the nation whose champions were victorious in combat should rule over the other.

No comparison is more common in Latin poetry than that of a warrior to a bull. All the three poets have introduced this, some of them several times. The instances we select will be Virg.

Tibi jam brachia contrahit ardens Scorpius. Virg. Georg. l. 1. 34. A new star appeared in Cassiope's chair in 1572. Herschel's Construction of the Heavens. Phil. Trans. Flax Five males and five females. It was first found on the banks of the Nile. The Linum Lusitanicum, or portigal flax, has ten males: see the note on Curcuma.

I used the ozone inhalations every four hours, in connection with the internal administration of the following prescription: Rx Iodide of ammonia, 8; Fl. ex. quebracho, 30; Fl. ex. grindelia robusta, 15; Tr. lobelia, 12; Tr. belladonna, 8; Syr. pruni, virg., q.s., ad 120. Sig. Teaspoonful three or more times during twenty-four hours.

Now Grampian hills. Cruda senectus. Cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 304: sed cruda deo viridisque senectus. Crudus is rarely found in this sense except in the poets. Sua decora==praemia ob virtutem bellicam accepta. E. Any and all badges of distinction, especially in arms. Wr., Or. and Dod. XXX. Causas belli. Explained by universi servitutis expertes below, to be the defence of their liberties.

I shall take the same liberty in a following paper of giving my opinion upon the subject of music; which I shall lay down only in a problematical manner, to be considered by those who are masters in the art. Saevit atrox Volscens, nec teli conspicit usquam Auctorem, nec quo se ardens immittere possit. VIRG., AEn. ix. 420.

The pious prince beheld young Lausus dead; He grieved, he wept, then grasped his hand and said, "Poor hapless youth! what praises can be paid To worth so great?" I shall take another opportunity to consider the other parts of this old song. Part Two. Pendent opera interrupta. VIRG., AEn. iv. 88. The works unfinished and neglected lie.

VIRG, Dum alteri noceat, sui negligens says Seneca of Anger. The social virtues of humanity and benevolence exert their influence immediately by a direct tendency or instinct, which chiefly keeps in view the simple object, moving the affections, and comprehends not any scheme or system, nor the consequences resulting from the concurrence, imitation, or example of others.

'Quid Domini facient, audent cum tulia Fures? Virg. May 30, 1711. Mr. I have no small Value for your Endeavours to lay before the World what may escape their Observation, and yet highly conduces to their Service. You have, I think, succeeded very well on many Subjects; and seem to have been conversant in very different Scenes of Life.

No. 113. Hoerent infixi pectore vultus. VIRG. AEn. iv. ver. 4. Her looks were deep imprinted in his heart. In my first description of the company in which I pass most of my time, it may be remembered that I mentioned a great affliction which my friend Sir ROGER had met with in his youth; which was no less than a disappointment in love.