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When a little recovered, he and Madame de Lorges set out for Vichy, and I went to Paris. Before speaking of what happened at Court after my return, it will be necessary to record what had occurred there during the campaign. M. de Brias, Archbishop of Cambrai, had died, and the King had given that valuable preferment to the Abbe de Fenelon, preceptor of the children of France.

"Bring me a plate!" "Oh, say, Adolph, make my order a chop instead of those ham and eggs." "Yah!" "And, Adolph." "Yes, sir." "I want a glass of milk, with a squirt of vichy in it. Don't forget." "Nein, I vunt!" "And speed up, Adolph, we're all in a hurry." "Shure. You vos allvays in a hurry!" The German waiter scurried away.

The Continental people never eat that heavy early meal which we call breakfast. They take in their rooms at eight o'clock a cup of coffee and a roll, what they call caf, complet, or they may prefer tea and oatmeal, the whole thing very simple. Then at Aix-les Rains or Vichy the people under treatment go to the bath, taking a rest afterwards. All this occupies an hour.

He had passed a winter at Pau, a summer at Vichy, where the waters had done him good. His ladies had made several charming foreign acquaintances. Mrs. Mackenzie had quite a list of counts and marchionesses among her friends. The excellent Captain Goby, wandered about the country with them. Was it to Rosey, was it to her mother, the Captain was most attached? Rosey received him as a godpapa; Mrs.

No body, not the best natured creeter in the world, can see through a dog when it is held clost up to the eye, closer than anything else. Wall, we drove down to what they called Vichy Spring and there on a pretty pond clost to the springhouse, we see a boat with a bycycle on it, and a boy a ridin' it. The boat wuz rigged out to look like a swan with its wings a comin' up each side of the boy.

Surely in everything he was the opposite of all that she was accustomed to. He took his hand away from his ear. "How much have you been out of Egypt?" she asked him. "Not very much. I have been three times to Naples in the hot weather. My father had a villa at Posilipo. I have been with my father to Vichy. I have been four times to Paris.

When he came back he fell in on Foy's left; at Foy's right Creagan leaned his elbows on the bar. "Well, I'm obliged to you, boys," said Foy. "This one's on me. Come on, Joe have a hoot." "Thanks, no," said Espalin. "I not dreenkin' none thees times. Eef I dreenk some I get full, and loose my job maybe." "Vichy," said Foy. "Take something yourself, Max." As Mr.

When a little recovered, he and Madame de Lorges set out for Vichy, and I went to Paris. Before speaking of what happened at Court after my return, it will be necessary to record what had occurred there during the campaign. M. de Brias, Archbishop of Cambrai, had died, and the King had given that valuable preferment to the Abbe de Fenelon, preceptor of the children of France.

The iron-gaseous waters resemble in properties those of Spa and Vichy. From one to five tumblers are ordered a day, according to the condition of the drinker, a little stroll between each dose being advisable.

Through the smooth meadows between the encompassing hills winds the musically-named stream, the Iraliot, and from end to end the broad expanse of green is scented with newly-mown hay. The delightful scenery, the purity of the air, the excellent quality of the waters, ought to turn Vic-sur-Cere into a miniature Vichy.