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Is this the "Paris of Central America," with its 70,000 inhabitants? Mrs. Steele is met in the dépot by some friends, Californians, who live here part of the year. We promise to dine with them, and the Baron comes back from his search for a carriage, saying one will be here presently. "Vhile Madame Steele talks vidth her friends, vill you come zee dthe Trocadero, vhere dthey haf bull-fights?"

"I'll tell yer vhile we heat hour dinner; so lock the door and come vith me." Mrs. Wheaton's room was plain, indeed, but neat and homelike. A variegated and much-patched carpet covered part of the floor, which was bare around the ample cooking-stove, whereon a wholesome dinner soon smoked with appetizing odors.

'vonce in a vhile your Rudolph going to see a voman he better had married san you. Sen he going to fall a little vay maybe a good vay in love viss her; and sen if Rudolph iss a scoundtrel, or if you iss a fool, sare be trouble.

"Don't let any more o' the boys shoot over there to the left. That's the way Capt. McGillicuddy's a-comin' in with Co. Q. I think I kin see him now jest raisin' the hill. Yes, I'm sure it's him." The next instant he heard the rebel Captain saying to his men: "Boys, dey're goming up in our rear. Dey're de men ve saw a liddle vhile ago. De only vay is to mount unt make a rush past de house.

You vas the least of us, big as you be now; and you vent round and opened the door for us; and ven you had opened the door, you saw a voman had joined us, and you were a funked then, and stayed vithout the crib, to keep vatch vhile ve vent in." "Well, well," cried Ned, "what the devil has all this rigmarole got to do with Paul?" "Now don't be glimflashy, but let me go on smack right about.

And vhile I had the inspiration I wrote the leader also in the Museum it is here oh, vairy beautiful! Listen to the first sentence. 'The Angel of Death has passed again over Judaea; he has flown off vith our visest and our best, but the black shadow of his ving vill long rest upon the House of Israel. And the end is vordy of the beginning.

"Please don't mind me; I think you've said something a little 'komisch' but perhaps I've got a sunstroke and it acts like laughing gas. Don't be cross, Guillermo." I take his arm and notice covertly that he is mollified. "Blanca," he says, with a half smile, "dthat adobe house vidth vines look cool suppose I buy dthat and ve stay here leedle vhile." I follow his eyes.

"I carve zee meats," went on the amiable Pierre. "You haf nozzing to do wiz zee meats. You rest zee deesh on zee flat uf zee hand, so! Always sairve to zee right uf zee guest. Vatch zat i zay do not move vhile you sairve. You spill zee soup, and I keel you! To spill zee soup ees a crime. Now, take hold uf thees soup deesh." Warburton took it clumsily by the rim.

I vill keep you in Guatemala vhile I send for her, and dthen ve go to Peru, to Ceylon anyvhere you like but America. I write Madame Steele you air my vife, and she vill soon zee ve air not to be find; she vill go back to New York. It ees no use dthat you cry out, no von hear, or if von do, you spik no Spanish, and I haf my pistol if any interfere. I tell you so much dthat you make no meestake.