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I'm so het up I can't set still, an' besides, mebbe we can get the story the way it really happened, from somebody who ain't bound an' gagged an' chloroformed by such unbecomin' modesties. Roy, don't never go into vawdyville with them personal episodes, because they read about as thrillin' as a cook-book.

Refined Vawdyville was on tap daily, and the Children of those who were only moderately well-to-do knew all the latest improper Songs. While the men were changing from Jumpers to Tuxedos, the Sisters had not remained stationary. The Lap Supper was formally abolished soon after Puff Sleeves went out. An imported Professor taught the Buds how to Tango and Trot.

Down to the vawdyville they're goin' to put on a piece what has a preacher in it, and I tole them about yer surplus, and the leadin' man, who is to be the preacher, says 'twould lend to the settin's to wear it. I told him mebby you'd let him hev the use on it fer a week fer five dollars.

"Serving?" repeated Quin; then he laughed good-naturedly. "You got another guess coming your way, Barney." "So it's the parlor instid of the pantry, is it? I'd 'a' seen it for meself if I had used me eyes instead of me mouth. You look grand enough to be doing a turn on the vawdyville." Quin tried not to expand his chest in pride, for fear the movement would disturb those temperamental studs.

Pete's dismay when he learned that there had been an overlooked pocket was convincingly genuine. "You see," he explained, "I wore it over my pants, of course, and I had the pockets in them, so I didn't look for no more." Pete escorted the rector to the "Vawdyville," and by good fortune the clerical impersonator in the sketch was still on the board, though in a different act.

If you would only go through some of those streets in the river wards and into some of the houses oh, dear me, dear me!" But Abner would none of this. "Do you think your river wards, as you call them, are any worse than our barn-yard in the early days of March? Do you imagine your cheap vawdyville theatres are any more tiresome than our Main Street through the winter months?"