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We say that these veneered vandals have the perfectly serious aim of destroying certain ideas which, as they think, the world has outgrown; without which, as we think, the world will die. It is essential that this perilous peculiarity in the Pruss, or positive barbarian, should be seized. He has what he fancies is a new idea, and he is going to apply it to everybody.

Plundered of their lead and iron by the barbarians, Goths, and Vandals, and robbed even of their stones by Roman princes, the Barberini, they owe what remains of their relics to the sanctifying influence of that faith which has preserved for the world all that was worth preserving, not merely arts and literature but likewise that which constitutes the progressive nature of intellect and the institutions which afford to us happiness in this world and hopes of a blessed immortality in the next.

The Empress was given back to her friends at Constantinople, but one of her daughters was kept by the Vandals, and was married to the son of Genseric. After plundering all the south of Italy, Genseric went back to Africa without trying to keep Rome or set up a kingdom; and when he was gone, the Romans elected as Emperor a senator named Avitus, a Gaul by birth, a peaceful and good man.

"You would pity us, Ormond," cried he, interrupting Mademoiselle, "if you could see and hear the Vandals they send to us from England with letters of introduction barbarians, who can neither sit, stand, nor speak nor even articulate the language. How many of these butors, rich, of good family, I have been sometimes called upon to introduce into society, and to present at court!

Little wonder that they overran the empire of the city-loving Romans, and finally sacked Rome itself. How hairy and hardy and virile they were! In the same way is the more fresh and vigorous blood of the country always making eruptions into the city. The Goths and Vandals from the woods and the farms, what would Rome do without them, after all?

As the tradition goes, while the commissioners were debating what they should call the town they were making, a wag suggested that it be named Vandalia, in honor of the Vandals, a tribe of Indians which, said he, had once lived on the borders of the Kaskaskia; this, he argued, would conserve a local tradition while giving a euphonous title.

His merry laugh and shout were the pleasantest sounds in all the precincts of Dell-Delight. When Paul first heard that there was to be an invasion of "women and girls" into Dell-Delight, he declared he had rather there had been an irruption of the Goths and Vandals at once for if there were any folks he could not get along with, they were "the gals."

As to civil rights of property, the Byzantine conqueror restores the possessions of the Church which had been taken away by the Vandals. By the restoration of the African province to the Roman empire and the Catholic faith Justinian won great renown. His accession had been welcomed with joy by the Catholic people.

No, I have not a card, Nor can I pay you, Guard Truly my lot is hard, This is the reason, Now I recall to mind Changing my clothes, I find I left them all behind, Money, cards, 'Season." DEAR MR. PUNCH, Pray protect the Griffin! Those Goths and Vandals, the Members of the Corporation of the City of London, will remove it, unless you intervene.

Probably he touched it up, anyway." "The Goths and Vandals usually did 'touch up' whatever they acquired, I believe. Hasn't he sent you a copy?" "He's going to send it. Or bring it." "Bring it? What should attract him to Manzanita again?" "Something mysterious. He says that there's a big sensational story following on the wreck that he's got a clue to; a tip, he calls it." "That's strange.