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It is very irregular and I've a board of directors' meeting Wednesday." "Yes, Miss Scullen, not beyond Tuesday evening." When Lilly entered the infirmary the smell of iodine smote her queerly and with an unnamable terror. Her child lay sleeping on a pillow hedged in with a chair, and, bending over, the aroma struck her squarely and with a close pungency.

I was ever anxious and uneasy, ever longing for some undefinable, unnamable something I knew not what, but, O God, I knew the desolation of feeling which was then mine. The sorrow of the grave is lighter than that. My life has always been an active one restless, uneasy, and full of action, I naturally wanted to be doing something or going somewhere.

As if in fear unnamable, a gaunt coyote suddenly appeared scurrying onward before the hail and snow, and was quickly gone. The horse shied violently out of the road. The girth of the saddle was loosened. With a superhuman effort old Jim remained in his seat, but he knew he must tighten the cinch. Dismounting, he permitted the horse to face away from the gale.

One cannot write of unnamable things, unprintable deeds. The screams lasted till noon. At one o'clock the punitive expedition had departed, leaving the Silent Pools to their silence. The houses of the village had been destroyed and trampled out.

They called down the shaft repeatedly, but there was no answer. As they stood listening for sounds from below they heard the automobile which had brought them start up and drive away from the house. After that there was not another sound of any kind. An unnamable terror seized them both. Each read the other's fear in her eyes. Rushing to the window, they looked out.

The woman knew, instinctively, that she should not give herself to this man. She felt in her heart that to do so would make her kin to her sisters in the unnamable profession.

'My old friend, Father Costa, had died, and it is too long a tale of forgery and fraud to tell you how this wretch was forced on me. He had been a Jesuit, but was unfrocked and expelled from Society for all sorts of namable and unnamable offences. His community believed that he was dead.

This was the witch-doctor, a creature who held power of life and death over all the village, whom the villagers suffered to test them with poison, to put them to unnamable tortures, to rob them as he pleased, to be, in fact, a kind of insane autocrat working any whim that seized him freely in their midst. The witch-doctor's power of late had suffered.

"Maybe you haven't guessed it," the Ancient Mariner said; "but this is my fourth voyage after this treasure." "You mean . . . ?" Daughtry asked. "Just that. There isn't any treasure. There never was one any more than the Lion's Head, the longboat, or the bearings unnamable." Daughtry rumpled his grizzled thatch of hair in his perplexity, as he admitted: "Well, you got me, sir.

It'll come to the same thing in the end, any way. Clavering isn't the man to be squeamish about hanging a rebel. Mount men and march." "Maybe the young cub would like to see his lass before he leaves her. Her face is a bonny one for kissing now." Neal shuddered, and turned sick. Beyond the hedge in the trampled grass, among the meadow sweet and the loose strife, lay unnamable horror.