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He welds together all the different elements of his thought in the heat of his passion for God. His cosmology and his ontology are a philosophical exposition of the Jewish conception of God's relation to the universe, his ethics and his psychology of the Jewish conception of man's relation to God.

They inhabit most of this universe, leaving the Thessians but four planets of a minor sun, way off in one corner. It seems the Thessians are their undesirable exiles, those who have, from generation to generation, been either forced to go there, or who wanted to go there.

No scientific difficulty, no question of theories of the universe, has ever affected my practice in the matter of prayer so much as this overwhelming, blessed thought of the loving-kindness and care of the infinite Father. He does not need to be informed, he does not need to be persuaded.

I feel the sunshine in my head, in my eyes, in my heart. "It blinds me, it enchants me, it causes me to shed delicious tears! Happy? No, my tender mother; that is not possible, when I think that I am his wife! The wife understand me of him who has reigned in my poor thoughts since I was able to think of him whom I should have chosen out of the whole universe!

The Copernican theory of the universe has no longer any weight and since the spectroscope discovered such glowing gaseous matter in space all objections have been disposed of and scientific opposition to Kant's theory has been silenced.

And the thoughts which the sight of the countless globes involuntarily and inevitably evokes, were born in me, too, thoughts of the littleness of the earth in our Solar System, and of our Solar System in the Universe, of immeasurable distances so great that the stars whose rays, with the rapidity of light's travelling, are striking against our eyes now, may have gone out in our childhood; of immeasurable periods of time, in which a human life, or even the lifetime of a whole people, disappears like a drop in the ocean.

Gospel is Greek evangelion and means glad tidings. The contents of the glad tiding of his preaching is that nations should be converted from their idols to God the creator of the universe, and he announces that the time of judgment had arrived.

From such considerations as this the deep thinkers of old times posited the generating of a world-system by the interaction of what they named Animus Dei, the Active principle, and Anima Mundi, or Soul of the Universe, the Passive principle the one Personal, and the other Impersonal; and by the hypothesis of the case the only mode of activity possible to Anima Mundi is response to Animus Dei.

But since the general plan of the universe, chosen by God for superior reasons, causes men to be in different circumstances, those who meet with such as are more favourable to their nature will become more readily the least wicked, the most virtuous, the most happy; yet it will be always by aid of the influence of that inward grace which God unites with the circumstances.

If the former, they at once pronounce it a name too many; because it expresses nothing that their word MATTER does not express better. Dr. Young held in horror the Materialist's 'universe of dust. But there is nothing either bad or contemptible in dust man is dust all will be dust. A dusty universe, however, shocked the poetic Doctor, whose writings analogise with