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Every feature about her has a particular beauty, that does not in the least yield to that of her eyes, which, by the consent of all the world, are the finest in the universe.

And all around the Map I coiled the coils, and curled the curling waves of the great Sea Oceanum, with the bursting cheeks of the four Winds, blowing from the four imagined hinges of the Universe. The Snob As I paced in fine company on that Terrace, I felt chosen, exempt, and curiously happy.

Yes, in God's truth, by excluding the devil from the theory of the universe by showing that evil is not a law in itself, but a sickness, a perversion of the good, and the other side of the good that in fact all of humanity, and of everything, is divine in its bases, its eligibilities."

Thus Cowley in his Poem on the Resurrection, mentioning the Destruction of the Universe, has those admirable Lines. 'Now all the wide extended Sky, And all th' harmonious Worlds on high, And Virgil's sacred Work shall die.

It gave these simple men a new and greater confidence in Jesus and in the power of the life He had lived. They saw that this life was, after all, the strongest thing in the universe. They realised that in the end nothing could stand against them; evil could do it no real harm, for God was behind it.

We are sufficiently acquainted by now with the setting of the religious view of the universe to know that the gods were at first forces in nature and only slowly became spiritual agents outside of nature. We cannot too often remember that man had no instinctive knowledge of what energies operated in the world and what were the conditions of their operation.

The letters which I wrote "On the world about you" having shown you that throughout all the universe, from the blazing orbs in infinite space to the tiny muscles of an insect's wing, perfect design is everywhere manifest, I hope and trust that you will never believe that so magnificent a process and order can be without a Mind of which it is the visible expression.

This was eminently natural. He had a direct consciousness of his own power to act, and it was natural for him to assume that the activities going on around him were caused by similar powers on the part of some being like himself, only superior to him. Thus he came to fill the unseen universe with gods controlling the forces of nature.

Oh, God and all the rest of it.” “What, don’t you believe in God?” “Oh, I’ve nothing against God. Of course, God is only a hypothesis, but ... I admit that He is needed ... for the order of the universe and all that ... and that if there were no God He would have to be invented,” added Kolya, beginning to blush.

The stars which it contains are in a different part of the universe from those which we see, and, without unity of plan, would not be subject to the same law. But the most accurate counts of stars that have been made fail to show any difference in their general arrangement in the two hemispheres. They are just as thick around the south galactic poles as around the north one.