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'I will say my tex' to him, and make him learn it, and und'stand it. 'Does blessed mean happy? asked True. 'Yes. 'I didn't think I'd ever be happy again when mother went away, but I feel a little better now. Will you take us one day to see her grave, or is it too far? 'I think we must manage it one day, dear, said Lady Isobel drawing the little motherless girl near her.

"It is cust customary," he said to James, the flustered, "when a gentleman calls on Christmas Eve to pass the compliments of the season with the lady of the house. You und'stand? I shall not move shtep till I pass compl'ments season with lady the house. Und'stand?" There was an argument. James lost. Fuzzy raised his voice and sent it through the house unpleasantly.

"I can't tell ye, Miss Pray," said he, "how much I've enjiyed the evenin' no, honest, I can't tell ye!" he winked at Captain Pharo, who choked and had to resort to song "but I und'stand thar 's a happy event comin', an' I wish ye jiy; ye know I do!" Git up, ye old skate!"

"All right," said Zac; "but mind you, he must be here in three hours three," he repeated, holding up three fingers; "three hours." "O, oui yes certainement tree hour." "These others will be all prisoners if he don't come." "O, oui yes; all personaire; mais he vill come, tout certainement." "You und'stand now, Moosoo, sure?" "O, oui; me comprends ond'stand certainement."

The fact that I might like a glimpse of old friends hasn't any particular relation to the question of whether Gopher Prairie oughtn't to have festivals and lamb chops." Hastily, "No, no! Sure not. I und'stand." "But I know it must have been pretty tiresome to have to live with anybody as perfect as I was." He grinned. She liked his grin.

"Why," laughed the girl, "because your house is where he belongs and where he is going to live. Just as he has been living all summer." Ferris caught his breath in a choked wheeze of unbelieving ecstasy. "Gawd!" he breathed. Then, he stammered brokenly "They they don't seem no right words to to thank you in, Ma'am. But maybe you und'stand what I'd want to say if I could?" "Yes," she said gently.

"I've an engagement," invented Anisty plausibly, "with a friend at two. If you'll excuse me ? Garcon, l'addition!" "Then I und'stand, Mister Maitland, we e'n count on yeh?" Anisty, eyelids drooping, tipped back his chair a trifle and regarded Hickey with a fair imitation of the whimsical Maitland smile. "Hardly, I think." "Why not?" truculently.