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The power of the human mind to analyze Phenomena ceases at some point, and there our ability to apply Scientific Principles, however indubitable in themselves, ends. It is the office of Exact Science to furnish us with a knowledge of the inherent Laws which everywhere pervade the Universe and govern continuously and unalterably its activities.

When Bellini became famous the judge wished to make amends, but Bellini's pride interfered. Soon after the young lady, who loved him unalterably, died, and it was said the composer never recovered from the shock. Donizetti and Bellini were peculiarly moulded by the great genius of Rossini, but in their best works they show individuality, color, and special creative activity.

Why had John Eames, at the very moment when he should have been doing his best to drive from her breast the memory of past follies, when he would have striven to do so had he really been earnest in his suit, why at such a moment had he allowed himself to correspond in terms of affection with such a woman as this M. D.? While Mrs Arabin was pleading for John Eames, Lily was repeating to herself certain words which John had written to the woman "Ever and always yours unalterably". Such were not the exact words, but such was the form in which Lily, dishonestly, chose to repeat them to herself.

For he taught them that the time of every man's death is so unalterably fixed that he cannot die before the appointed hour; and, when that is come, no caution whatever can prolong his life one moment; so that they who were slain in battle would certainly have died at the same time, if they had been at home in their houses; but, as they now died fighting for the faith, they had thereby gained a crown of martyrdom, and entered immediately into paradise, where they were in perfect bliss with their Lord.

Change there might be in the sense that unrealized potentialities involved in the original deposit might be brought to light a kind of development which not only Protestants but Catholics like Cardinal Newman have willingly allowed but whatever had once been stated as the content of faith by the received authorities was by both Catholics and Protestants regarded as unalterably so.

A beautiful girl came to him, and she was so gracious and lovely that he was sufficiently punished for striking his dog, because he fell unalterably in love with her." "Meaning you?" interrupted the Girl. "Yes," said the Harvester, "meaning me. I if you like fell in love with the girl.

On the contrary, after having carefully examined the different kinds of evidence of which the subject was susceptible, and recollecting all that had already passed upon the subject, it was not without considerable pain, that I felt myself unable to discover any way in which I could be perfectly and unalterably satisfied of my patron's innocence.

And oh! consider, when the breath we now draw shall depart, the tender thread of life be cut, our state will be unalterably and for ever fixed; either to live with God, with angels, and glorified saints, in heaven; or to dwell with devils, in the darkness and torments of hell.

It was in the same spirit that he made his declaration to the Senate: "We have unalterably determined not to evacuate Berlin or Warsaw, or the provinces which have fallen into our hands by force of arms, until a general peace be concluded, the Spanish, Dutch, and French colonies restored, the foundations of the Ottoman power confirmed, and the absolute independence of this vast empire, the first interest of our people, irrevocably secured."

I never knew how should I? whether she was sitting by my side or heavens away from me in her own strange world. But always she was a sweetness that I could not reach, a cup of nectar that I might not drink, unalterably her own and never mine, and yet my friend.