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Often he took it out and held it in the palm of his immense, horny hand, seized with some strange elephantine sentiment, wagging his head at it, heaving tremendous sighs. What a folly! At two o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays Trina arrived and took her place in the operating chair.

They invited the dirty little ragamuffins to tea, and the gipsies' children sat down at table with the sons and daughters of the Count. They issued an order forbidding begging, and twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, they distributed food and clothing to the poor. One picture will illustrate this strange campaign.

We see them every day; we have adopted and made them our own, and we should be strangely offended, should any person take the liberty, having discovered the folly of them, to laugh at us. I wrote thus far last night; but learning, on enquiry, that Tuesdays and Fridays are foreign post days, I left off; being rather indisposed after my journey.

"I thought people always ironed on Tuesdays," he said at last. "Some people do. These are just odd things." "Eliza does. She makes us have cold supper. And on Mondays. It's too bad." "But there can't be much to do for you." "I don't know. There's washing on Monday, and on Sunday she goes to church so she says." Helen changed her iron and worked on.

"Jacky said that, as long as I included everything that she wanted, you should be the judge since you would have to use it and train others to use it." "It looks good to me," Jennifer said. "I'll have Mary mail you a check on Tuesday. We pay bills on Tuesdays." "Thanks." "It was good of you to help, Oliver. We may have to call on you again. I think you should be entitled to a member discount.

No officer will remain out of the ship after ten P.M. without the special permission of the commander." Each division of guns will be exercised at least three times a week; and there will be an exercise at general quarters twice a week, viz., on Tuesdays and Fridays."

It was to appear on the days on which the post left London for the country, which were, in that generation, the Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. It was to contain the foreign news, accounts of theatrical representations, and the literary gossip of Will's and of the Grecian.

Let me further explain, for I wish to make the whole scene intelligible to every reader. Tuesdays and Fridays belong to private members as well as Wednesdays, and on Tuesdays and Fridays accordingly private members bring forward motions on some subjects in which they are especially interested.

But then the rain came, a persistent, soaking rain. Milly always went to her district on Tuesdays, no matter what the weather, and this time she caught a cold. Ian urged her to stop in bed next morning. He himself had to be in College early, and could not come home till the afternoon. It was still raining and the early falling twilight was murky and brown.

He gave us the names of the families with which you are acquainted, and where, as he understood, you spend your evenings when you are not at the Skating Club, where you generally go on Tuesdays and Fridays at least.