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"We'll try't, ony way," said her husband, folding up the summonses, and putting them carefully into his breeches pocket. "Since it has come to this, we'll gie them law for't." In the spirit and temper of bold defiance expressed in the preceding colloquy, Mr. Callender and his wife awaited the day and hour appointed for their appearance in the Sheriff Court at Glasgow.

The result of this pumping process must have been satisfactory: for when we parted with him, the fakir declared he was "go'n' try't on thar, next winter, 'f I bust me bottom dollar!" Life ashore and afloat Marietta, "the Plymouth Rock of the West" The Little Kanawha The story of Blennerhassett's Island. Blennerhassett's Island, Sunday, May 13th.

"Ye'll neither hap nor wyn neither dance nor haud the candle. Try't again, man, try't again. Steek your een hard, gie ae gulp, an' ower wi't." The worthy man, however, pressed in vain. The stranger would not drink; but once more acknowledged the kindness and well-meant hospitality of his entertainer.

"Ay," replied her husband; "but yon smashing o't was rather a serious business." "It was just music to my lugs, then," said Mrs. Callender, boldly. "Maybe," rejoined her husband, "but I doot we'll hae to pay the piper. They'll try't ony way, I'm jalousin." "Let them. There'll be nae law or justice in the country if they mak that oot," responded Mrs.

A loang Arts course is a grand thing for a clairgyman. Even if he spends half a dozen years on't he won't be wasting his time!" Gourlay glanced at his father. "I mean to try't in three," he said. His father had threatened him that he must get through his Arts in three years without deigning, of course, to give any reason for the threat. "We-ell," said Mr.

"What are you after?" he bawled. "Don't try your tricks on me, Swipey Broon. Man, I could kill ye wi' a glower!" In a twinkling Swipey's jacket was off, and he was dancing in his shirt sleeves, inviting Gourlay to come on and try't. "G'way, man," said John, his face as white as the wall; "g'way, man! Don't have me getting up to ye, or I'll knock the fleas out of your duds!"

"It's a sair judgment on a man," said Ratcliffe, "when he has ance gane sae far wrang as I hae done, that deil a bit he can be honest, try't whilk way he will." Such was the reflection of Ratcliffe, when he was left for a few minutes to himself, while the retainer of justice went to procure a proper warrant, and give the necessary directions.

"It's a sair judgment on a man," said Ratcliffe, "when he has ance gane sae far wrang as I hae done, that deil a bit he can be honest, try't whilk way he will." Such was the reflection of Ratcliffe, when he was left for a few minutes to himself, while the retainer of justice went to procure a proper warrant, and give the necessary directions.