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Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind." The sculptor could not but smile at the triteness of the remark, which, nevertheless, had a kind of originality as coming from Donatello. He had thought it out from his own experience, and perhaps considered himself as communicating a new truth to mankind.

An archaism that might have been spared, since so little of the poem was retained, is the sad old Händelian style of repeating the same words indefinitely, to all neglect of emptiness of meaning and triteness.

There was a certain triteness in these reflections: they were those habitual to young men on the approach of their wedding day. But they were generally accompanied by a sense of compunction and self-abasement of which Newland Archer felt no trace.

The true gardener who, if he is reading this, must be getting very tired of our insistent triteness carefully keeps in mind the laws of linear and of aërial perspective, no matter how large or small the garden.

"Perhaps I'd better build a fire," he suggested, quite willing now to make her visit seem not unusual. "Oh, no," she spoke with polite haste, "I'm just going to stay a minute. I don't know what you'll think of me." She looked intently at him. "I think it lovely of you to come." He was disgusted with the triteness of this remark, but he could think of nothing else.

Hence the smallness, the triteness, and the inhumanity in works of merely sectarian religion; and hence we find equal although unsimilar limitation in works inspired by the spirit of the flesh or the despicable taste for high society. So that the first duty of any man who is to write is intellectual.

In another part of the correspondence a more grave if not a deeper gush of feeling struggled for expression. "You say, Julia, that were you to marry one who thinks so much of what he surrenders for you, and who requires from yourself so vast a return of love, you should tremble for the future happiness of both of us. Julia, the triteness of that fear proves that you love not at all.

"What's the good of a woman if she can't keep up with a man?" he broke out enthusiastically. "People that like the same things always get along best together," she answered, with a triteness that concealed the joy that was hers at being so spontaneously in touch with him.

"Religious art has sunk to the most disgusting triteness. People no longer believe; churches are built like barracks, and decorated with saints and virgins fit to make one weep. The fact is that genius is only the fruit of the social soil; and a great artist can only send up a blaze of the faith of the time he lives in. For my part, I'm the grandson of a Beauceron peasant.

The professor bases his assertions on photographs hundreds of photographs of a crater with a circumference of thirty-seven miles. I'm not satisfied. I demand to know the yards, feet and inches. You don't come it over me with the triteness of these round numbers. Again I'm not satisfied. I want to know if they're cabbages, cress, mustard, or marigolds or dandelions or daisies.