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He was a universal actor comedian, tragedian, buffoon all in one. There was no shade of human emotion which he did not seem capable of giving expression to. The Professor Does His Best.

'You had better lay the matter before your uncle, Miss Allen, said the tragedian. 'Without his consent, Mrs. Lochleven Cameron could not see her way to an arrangement. She is; aware as I am of the undeserved stigma which has been cast upon the profession by bigotry and ignorance.

"I've been shamefully treated by your father," said the tragedian; "all is over between us!" And though the carriage was full of people, she went down on her knees and held out her hands, imploring him: "I love you! Don't drive me away, Kondraty Ivanovitch," she besought him. "I can't live without you!"

One of the plays produced was Shakespere's "King John," with the "eminent tragedian Mr. Hammer" in the character of the King. It is likely that but for an unfortunate misunderstanding the entertainment would have been wholly delightful.

Armand de Montalban, of Paris," would "lecture on the Science of Phrenology" at such and such a place, on the blank day of blank, at ten cents admission, and "furnish charts of character at twenty-five cents apiece." The duke said that was HIM. In another bill he was the "world-renowned Shakespearian tragedian, Garrick the Younger, of Drury Lane, London."

And this, remember, has relation to one who was presumably about the most spontaneous and impulsive actor who ever flashed meteor-like across the boards of a theatre. Whoever has the soul of an artist grudges no labour given to his art, be he reader or actor, author or tragedian.

His imagination was rich, extensive, and sublime: his diction bold and glowing, but sometimes obscure and affected. Nor did he always know when to stop, or what to reject. Boileau. I should suppose that he wrote tragedies upon the Greek model. For he is often admitted into the grove of Euripides. Pope. He enjoys that distinction both as a tragedian and as a moralist.

How did I pray, as I passed the scowling porter, for the death of your great predecessor; that some eagle would drop a tortoise on my head, and instantly crush me to atoms! 'I had been the more anxious after patronage, because I wished the actress whom I have mentioned to play my heroine. There was no tragedian whose powers were in the least comparable to hers.

Lincoln breathed his last, that his assassin was John Wilkes Booth, a son of the great tragedian, then twenty-seven years of age. He had played stock parts at Washington and other Southern and Western cities, where he had given unmistakable evidence of genuine dramatic talent.

As we do not, so far as I know, possess as yet a satisfactory poetical translation of Aristophanes, and as the whole works of this author must, for many reasons, ever remain untranslatable, I have been induced to lay before my readers the scene in the Acharnians where Euripides makes his appearance; not that this play does not contain many other scenes of equal, if not superior merit, but because it relates to the character of this tragedian as an artist, and is both free from indecency, and, moreover, easily understood.