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Previous to that day I had witnessed several skirmishes, but this was my first battle of importance. Distances seemed much greater than they really were. I stood by the side of Captain Totten's battery as it opened the conflict. "How far are you firing?" I asked. "About eight hundred yards; not over that," was the captain's response.

He had previously found sluggards asleep on settees; he went in search of the latest offender. But his thoughts were occupied principally by reflection on that peculiar reticence of the Morrison of St. Ronan's; Mill-student Sweetsir was assailed by doubts of the correctness of General Totten's comfortable conclusions. Mr.

"I'm needed officially down-stairs, Your Excellency!" "By Judas! I should think you were!" Stewart placed a restraining hand on Totten's arm. "I beg your pardon, Governor, but we need the adjutant-general of the state in our conference." "Conference about what?" "About the situation that's developing outside, sir." "I'm principally interested in the situation that has developed inside.

Totten, you will go to your quarters and remain there, until further orders, save only for meal formations." "Very good, sir," replied the fourth classman saluting. "That is all, Mr. Totten." "Very good, sir." Within half an hour, Dave, Dan and Joyce knew that the unknown midshipman had come forward and announced himself, but they did not hear the story of the reason back of Totten's attack.

"I don't know as I told you, Esther, but he's cashier in the bank; he's got a real good place. Francis ain't never had anything but a common-school education, but he's always been real smart an' steady. Lawyer Totten's son, that's been through college, wanted the place, but they gave it to Francis. Mr.

Furthermore, Totten's self-complacency assured him that the mayor of Marion was leaving the affairs on Capitol Hill in the hands of the accredited commander on Capitol Hill. Governor North pulled open a drawer of the table. He threw a bunch of keys to his brother-in-law. "I had the messenger leave these with me. Lock up all the doors of the Council Chamber. Leave only my private door unlocked."

Totten's offense will be reduced to one or two-simple breaches of discipline," went on the superintendent. "But see here, sir," interposed one of the other young men, "are your midshipmen to be allowed to go about pounding whom they like? Are they to be swashbucklers and bullies?" "Very decidedly not, sir," replied the superintendent in a voice almost thunderous.

"Well, you'll keep on the right side of her, if you know which side your bread is buttered," she retorted. "You don't want her goin' to Sam Totten's." Totten was the other lawyer of Elliot. "I think I am quite aware of all the exigencies of the case," Daniel Tuxbury had replied, lapsing into stateliness, as he always did when his sister waxed too forcible in her advice. But when Mrs.

He spoke particularly of a gunner stationed at the first piece in Totten's battery, saying that his energy and coolness made him one of the most conspicuous figures of the day. "Our sharp-shooters did their best, but they failed to bring him down. There he was all day long, doing his duty as if on parade." He also told us there was no hard fighting at Lexington.

Order those militia boys to march out!" Morrison held a little sheaf of papers in his hand. He flapped the papers violently under General Totten's nose. "Do you dare to ignore these telegrams the opinions of the justices of the supreme judicial court of this state?" "I don't " The papers flicked the end of the general's nose and he shuffled slowly backward. "Do you dare, I say?" "This exigency "