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He moved along with the other toward the next dormitory. "Aren't you in Wendell?" asked Amy. "No, this next one. Torrey, isn't it?" "Torrence." Amy stopped and viewed him With sudden interest. "Say, what number?" "Fourteen." "Well, what do you know about that?" "What?" Clint faltered. "Why why " Amy seized his hand and shook it vigorously. "Clint, I want to congratulate you! I do, indeed!"

A week later Babbitt learned, through Henry Thompson, that the officials of the Street Traction Company were planning another real-estate coup, and that Sanders, Torrey and Wing, not the Babbitt-Thompson Company, were to handle it for them. "I figure that Jake Offutt is kind of leery about the way folks are talking about you.

They flew along with the throttle wide open for the next hour, eager to make up for the delay caused by the storm and the rescue of Torrey. Then they reduced the speed a little, to make sure they would not overheat the engine, but still they made good time. Shortly before six o'clock that afternoon they sighted a blue haze which a little later developed into a group of several islands.

That night as we sat together after the meetings were over, this servant of God said to me, “Brother Torrey, I was greatly interested in what you had to say to-day on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. If your interpretation of Acts ii. 39 is correct, you have your case, but I doubt your interpretation of Acts ii. 39. Let us talk it over.” We did talk it over.

"Sixth, the rest of my estate to be made into a trust, with Charles Whitney and Mark Hargrave and Hampden Scarborough trustees, with power to select their successors. The trust to be administered for the benefit of Tecumseh University under the plan you have there." Torrey half-rose from his chair, his usually calm features reflecting his inner contention of grief, alarm, and protest.

ROBINSON, TORREY, McCLINTOCK, SEARS, and other celebrated scholars who have done much to diffuse a knowledge of the learned labors of Germany among intelligent thinkers in our own country. NEANDER was free from the reproach which attaches to so many of his fellow laborers, of covertly undermining the foundation of Christianity, under the pretense of placing it on a philosophical basis.

He probably signified, informally, to the Judges, that they must not meet on the day to which they had adjourned. Brattle, writing on the eighth, had not heard any thing of the kind. But the Rev. Samuel Torrey of Weymouth, who was in full sympathy with the prosecutors, had heard of it on the seventh, as appears by this entry in Sewall's Diary: "OCT. 7^th, 1692. Mr.

"Why accuse me of anything like this?" said he, trying to look surprised and hurt. "We had nothing to do with those stones falling. Their weight broke the catch off of the glass trap, and they went through before we could stop them; didn't they, guys?" He turned to his three flyers for support. Crossman, Torrey, and Lane nodded their heads. "Sure," averred Crossman.

Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, 2 vols., Graham Balfour. Robert Louis Stevenson, Isobel Strong. Memories and Portraits, Robert Louis Stevenson. Friends on the Shelf, Bradford Torrey. "Personal Recollections," Edmund Gosse, Century Magazine, 50:447. "Character Sketch," Atlantic Monthly, 89:89-99. "The Real Stevenson," Atlantic Monthly, 85:702-5.

Torrey promised to go to the girls' ward the first time she visited Edgar and ask for Susy Hunt and the tame linnet. The bird had arrived safely at the Hospital and proved a great amusement to the patients. Miss Lerow wrote a short note in answer, which I shall copy. "DEAR BERTIE: This morning when I carried the cage into Mrs. Ayer's ward there was great rejoicing.