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Hollister sat beside her visualizing interminable to-morrows in which there would be no Doris Cleveland; in which he would go his way vainly seeking the smile on a friendly face, the sound of a voice that thrilled him with its friendly tone. He took her hand and held it, looking down at the soft white fingers. She made no effort to withdraw it.

They met presently, and the King's Son turned to go beside him, and said merrily: "I give thee good even, my Lady's Squire! I owe thee something of courtesy, whereas it is by thy means that I shall be made happy, both to-night, and to-morrow, and many to-morrows; and sooth it is, that but little courtesy have I done thee hitherto."

He laughed at the last phrase of his thought, the laugh which was a mirthless grin. "I am thinking of it as if I was afraid of taking cold," he said. "And to-morrow !" There would be no To-morrow. To-morrows were at an end. No more nights no more days no more morrows.

Not until it has become a thing of the past; and as for the happiness of anticipation, it is not worth much when we take into account the vague uncertainty of the issues of time, and the instability of unborn to-morrows.

'I have been so unlucky, I have never been able to catch one, replied the tortoise. 'However, I shall be more fortunate to-morrow, I am sure. But not many to-morrows after, when the tortoise arrived with his usual question: 'Well, how are you getting on? he received no answer, for the fox was lying in his hole quite still, dead of hunger.

Helena, and the Bourbons were come again to their own. It had been a great day, and the roads were cloudy with the dust of Mid-summer revellers going to their homes. But though some went many stayed, camping among the booths, since the Fair was for tomorrow and for other to-morrows after.

She said more in that expressive gesture than the most accomplished orator could have put into words in a week. "But there is always a to-morrow, you know." "There may be a to-morrow for me, but there are nothing but yesterdays left for dad. All of his to-morrows will be just like his yesterdays. They will be just as empty of success, just as full of failure. There's no use mincing matters.

However, there she was at the piano, and in another moment her fresh, sweet mezzo-soprano rang softly through the room in Tosti's plaintive song, "Good-bye!" We listened, but none of us moved from the open window where we still inhaled what air there was, and watched the lowering sky. "Hush! a voice from the far-away, 'Listen and learn, it seems to say; 'All the to-morrows shall be as to-day,"

Edison has pithily summed up his work and his views in an article on "The To-Morrows of Electricity and Invention" in Popular Electricity for June, 1910, in which he says: "For years past I have been trying to perfect a storage battery, and have now rendered it entirely suitable to automobile and other work.

I saw mankind in this weary old age of the world either enduring a sluggish existence amid the smoke and dust of cities, or, if they breathed a purer air, still lying down at night with no hope but to wear out to-morrow, and all the to-morrows which make up life, among the same dull scenes and in the same wretched toil that had darkened the sunshine of today.