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"Speak fire and tell me Thy flickering flame Fell on me in years past Say, am I the same? Has my face the same brightness In those days it wore? My foot the same lightness As it crosses the floor? "Methinks there are changes Am weary to-night, I once was as tireless As the bird on her flight; My bark in full measure Threw foam from the prow; Not even for pleasure Would I care to move now.

The snow crunched beneath their feet, and scattered in a fine white powder when they broke the crust; more of it fell at intervals, but blew away again; and they held on with a nipping wind in their faces and a low gray sky hanging over them. Lisle, however, noticed little; he pushed forward with a steady and apparently tireless stride, thinking bitterly.

Their feet were winged with the tireless speed of victory as they rushed on in devilish pursuit of the French, to overtake them in some last ditch and crush them, annihilate them there. They stopped for nothing; on, on they went, heedless of what lay in their way.

It was this that had won him the name of "Wild" Pierre the most reckless, tireless man of the trails, a scoffer at peril, bolting through danger with rush and frenzy, overcoming sheerly by vigour those obstacles which destroy strong men in the North. The power that pulsed within him gleamed from his eyes, rang in his song, showed in the aggressive thrust of his sensual face.

Margaret and Miss Penny and Graeme and Pixley thought they had seen dancing before, but dancing such as this it had never been theirs to witness. If it lacked anything in grace and far be it from me to say so it more than made up for all by its inexhaustible energy and tireless enjoyment.

All that we knew of Nature taught us that she was tireless in the prodigality of her creative force, and boundless in the diversity of her workmanship; and we now knew that what the ancients called spirit was simply an attenuated condition of matter. The audience were evidently keenly intellectual and highly educated, and they listened with great attention to this discourse.

Here, day after day, the wheel whirred unceasingly, like a great bee, and Hannah stepped back and forth, back and forth, on her tireless young feet, only glancing out through the big door at the bright glories of the summer weather, and never once regretting her imprisonment.

Exquisitely appropriate is also Professor Trent's comparison of Lee "with Belisarius and Turenne and Marlborough and Moltke, on the one hand, and on the other with Callicratidas, and Saint Louis, with the Chevalier Bayard and Sir Philip Sidney." A remarkable trait of General Lee's military character was his tireless and irresistible energy.

Eunice and Edna were devoted little friends. Edna came just between the two sisters. But, as she had always been somewhat delicate, Cricket's tireless energy often wearied her, and Eunice's naturally quieter temperament suited her much better.

All his assistants agree that Edison is the most patient, tireless experimenter that could be conceived of. Failures do not distress him; indeed, he regards them as always useful, as may be gathered from the following, related by Dr.