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The great majority, ant-like in their indefatigable busyness, neither turned a head nor looked up: backs were bent, eyes fixed, in a hard scrutiny of cradle or tin-dish: it was the earth that held them, the familiar, homely earth, whose common fate it is to be trodden heedlessly underfoot. Here, it was the loadstone that drew all men's thoughts.

You mean that you and Joe have played house together so familiarly all your young tin-dish days that even your rag dolls called Joe 'Father'? You mean that since your earliest memory, until a year or so ago, Life has never once been just You and Life, but always You and Life and Joe?

Before he could say another word a tin-dish left a dinge on the back of his skull that will accompany him to his grave if he lives to be a thousand. "You wretch, you! Why don't you run when I tell you?" Joe sprang in the air like a shot wallaby. "I'll not go AT ALL now y' see!" he answered, starting to cry. Then Sal put on her hat and ran for Maloney.

Flour was then a shilling a pound, or two hundred pounds weight for nine pounds in money. Sugar was 1s. 6d., and tea 3s. 6d. Fortunately we were Well provided with these three latter articles. The hungry diggers did ample justice to the dinner I had provided for them. They brought home a tin-dish full of surface soil, which in the course of the afternoon I attempted to wash.

This decided the matter, and one of the three stepped forward and offered the required sum. "Money down," said the seller; "these here fellers 'll witness it's all reg'lar." The money was paid in notes, and the purchasers were about to commence possession by taking the tin-dish out of his hand. "Wait till he's emptied.

This created a great sensation among the bystanders, who during the time had collected round, and among whom was a party of three, evidently "new chums." "It shall go for a hundred and fifty!" again shouted the washer, giving a glance in the direction in which they stood. "Going for a hundred, tin-dish as well!" letting some of the water run off, and displaying the gold.

Most of these gullies are considered ransacked, but a very fair amount of gold-dust may be obtained in either by the new comer by tin-dish fossicking in deserted holes. These deserted gullies, as they are called, contained in each no trifling population, and looked full enough for comfortable working.