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Ripping his shirt open at the neck to find his wound, she uncovered Circuit's buckskin bag and memorandum book, showing through its centre the track of a bullet that had finally spent itself in fracturing a rib over Circuit's heart, the ticket-seller's shot, that would have killed him instantly but for the shielding bulk Netty's treasured letters interposed.

I was uncertain of my plans, and the confusion of the dépôt added nothing to the clearness inside my head. Berkley advanced first to the ticket-seller's window. "A first-class place for Baden-Baden," said he. "How many?" briskly asked the clerk, seeing us together. At that moment Sylvester heard a ghostly voice at his ear: "You may get a couple." The voice was mine. Berkley got them and paid.

She pushed her quarter and a nickel into the ticket-seller's window and said "Hillsboro" in as confident a tone as she could; but when the precious bits of paper were pushed out at her and she actually held them, her knees shook under her and she had to go and sit down on the bench. "My! Aren't these doughnuts good?" said Molly. "I never in my life had ENOUGH doughnuts before!"

She warn't nothin' but a po' weak thing noways. Den I riz up an' tol' 'em dat I'd call a pleeceman an' take dat ticket from her an' de money I gin her beside, if she didn't stay on dat car. I didn't give her de 'velope; I had dat in my han' to show de conductor when he come, so he could see whar she was ter git off. Here it is" and she handed me the ticket-seller's envelope.

The ticket-seller's stamp clicked incessantly as he sold tickets to all points South and West: to New York, Philadelphia, Charleston; to New Orleans, Chicago, Omaha; to St. Paul, Duluth, St. Louis; and it would not have been hard to find in that anxious bustle, that unsmiling eagerness, an image of the whole busy affair of life.

All about de epidemic er dipt'eria!" clamored the newsboy with shrill childish treble, as he made his way toward the waiting-room. Jack darted after him, and saw the man to whom he had spoken buy a paper. He ran back to his employer, and dragged him over toward the ticket-seller's window. "I have it, sir!" he exclaimed, seizing a telegraph blank and writing rapidly, and reading aloud as he wrote.

Susanna, accustomed to a breathless late arrival, could saunter with delightful leisure to the ticket-seller's window. "You've not forgotten the new time-table?" said the agent, pleasantly, when they had exchanged greetings. "Oh, does the change begin to-day?" Susanna looked blank. "October sixteenth, winter schedule," he reminded her buoyantly. "Going to be lots of engagements missed to-day!"

The ticket-seller's stamp clicked incessantly as he sold tickets to all points South and West: to New York, Philadelphia, Charleston; to New Orleans, Chicago, Omaha; to St. Paul, Duluth, St. Louis; and it would not have been hard to find in that anxious bustle, that unsmiling eagerness, an image of the whole busy affair of life.