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Warned that England was unsafe for him, Trumbull returned to America and remained there until after the close of the Revolution.

Then the writing has short, up and down strokes, the curves are round, the bars short and straight; there are no loops or flourishes, and the whole writing exhibits great neatness and regularity. Economy of living, curiously enough, is marked by a spare use of ink. The terminals are abrupt and blunt, leaving off short.

Vennum being completely prostrated by this unexpected development, it was soon decided that the little girl should for the time being take up her residence under the Roff roof. She removed there February 11, and on the way an event occurred that vastly strengthened belief in the reality of her claims.

"That's interesting," said Howard musingly; "but I am really ashamed to suggest going there. She has asked me so often, and I have sent such idiotic excuses." "Oh, you needn't mind that," said Monica; "she isn't a huffy person. I know she would like to see you she said to me once that the idea of coming didn't seem to amuse you, but she seemed disposed to sympathise with you for that.

In those long days there must often have been a dearth of topics for profitable conversation, no matter how outrageous the weather, and it was a pleasure to believe that this little idiosyncracy of mine might answer to fill here and there a gap.

If there is not enough in this bill, still let us take it gladly, give it a cordial welcome and support, and we will pass some other bill some day which will go as far as our most progressive friends want." The position of Mr. Robinson on the tariff and River and Harbor bills needs no explanation to Massachusetts readers.

But how dreadfully we shall suffer on our coasts, if we have no force on the water, former experience has taught us. Indeed, I look forward with horror to the very possible case of war with an European power, and think there is no protection against them, but from the possession of some force on the sea.

Should he fail to do that there was scarcely a possibility of the Turks holding us up till we got to the Jaffa-Jerusalem road, though between Gaza and that metalled highway there were many points of strength from which they could fight delaying actions.

Reding," said the tutor, "that there is plenty of green in Italy, and in winter even more than in England; only there are other colours too." "But I can't help fancying," said Charles, "that that mixture of colours takes off from it the repose of English scenery." "The repose, for instance," said Tenby, "of Binsey Common, or Port Meadow in winter."

General Johnston, who had been restored to command there at the solicitation of Lee, had found his force insufficient to oppose General Sherman's large army; the Confederates had accordingly retreated; and General Sherman, almost unresisted, from the exhaustion of his adversary, marched across the country to Savannah, which fell an easy prize, and thence advanced to Goldsborough, in North Carolina, where he directly threatened Lee's line of retreat from Virginia.