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"Yes, sir; besides Mr Harry there is his eldest son Mr Algernon, and their sister Miss Julia, a young lady who, I have heard mother say, is liked by everyone in those parts." The gentleman asked whether Lady Castleton was alive, and made many other enquiries about Texford, and its neighbourhood.

Several guests had arrived, others had been invited, and whatever some of the tenants might have thought of the exactions, as they considered them, which the new baronet had imposed, there appeared every probability that Texford would become a far more lively and sociable mansion than it had been during the latter years of Sir Reginald's life.

The latter had taken more note of time than had Harry, and considered that they ought to be on their return to Texford. Julia led May to a distance. "Your sister will tell you our wishes, Harry," said Miss Jane. "You know how May is situated, and you know how affectionately we regard you.

At length his watch told him that it was nearly time to return to Texford. They went into the house and found the ladies in the drawing-room. May sat down next to Miss Mary and took her hand. "I ought to lose no time in telling you what has occurred," she said, trying to maintain her calmness. "Mr Castleton has asked me to marry him."

The general, who was as much at home at Texford as at his own house, found means to communicate with Julia, and to give her the satisfactory intelligence. He was too good a soldier to neglect placing sentinels on the watch during the night, which, however, passed without any appearance of the enemy in the neighbourhood of the Hall.

"You know, intimate as I am with Headland, I could not say anything of the sort to him, or warn him not to make love to you. And Algernon agrees with me on that point, as to a man of his delicate honour and sensitive feeling, it would be equivalent to telling him he must leave Texford, or it would appear as if I wanted to put the notion into his head."

"Let me be at peace, old hag; why torment me with questions?" shrieked out Gaffin. "Young Martin Goul has long been fathoms deep beneath the ocean wave; and you tell me that you bear that name," said Mad Sal, in a hollow frightened voice. "No one else would dare to claim it," cried Gaffin. "When my son marries the heiress of Texford, I will shout it out to all the world.

Julia had written him word that they hoped to have a number of visitors, and intended to give a fete in honour of his return. They posted to Texford, agreeing that a pair of horses would take them there as fast as four, which their dignity no longer required.

"Have you told the ladies about the grand doings to take place at Texford?" asked the dame. May confessed that she had forgotten all about it. "Then while I am here I will just put in a word. A little change will do you good, and if I tell them I'll keep you by my side all the time, I don't think they will object." "We will think about it," was Miss Jane's answer, when the dame told her.

"Ah! and a very good notion too," said Mistress Halliburt, who had great respect for the loquacious steward of Texford. "But you will excuse me, Mr Groocock, I ought to be up at the Hall. I will tell Adam of Master Harry's wish, and he will be on the look-out for him." "Here comes the young gentleman to speak for himself," said the steward.